Pipeline to Controller Conversion

Pipeline building blocks are available in the pipeline editor in Studio.

Icon Component Description Conversion


Control flow: creates a transition between two nodes and configures transactions.

Transactions determine whether the transition starts, ends, or saves a transaction.

  • Begin Transaction: marks the nodes that make up a transaction
  • Commit Transaction: commits the transaction to the database
  • Rollback Transaction: rolls back the previous transaction
  • Transaction Save Point: saves the transaction

Control flow: standard JavaScript application control flow, in which one function calls another, in a controller.

Transactions: for explicit transactions that have begin, commit, rollback, and save point transitions, require dw/system/Transaction and use the begin, commit, and rollback methods. In controllers, you can create a copy of objects before entering the transaction if you want to simulate a save point.

Text Toole

Enables you to add text inside pipeline that is visible in the pipeline editor

Use the JSDoc comments in the file to document usage for your controller. You can also build out your custom JSDoc using the SiteGenesis build. See also Building JSDoc and the Styleguide.

Start Node

A pipeline can have multiple start nodes. Each start node begins a different logic branch and must have a unique name.

Call Mode: accessibility of the start node

  • Public: can be called via HTTP and via call or jump nodes
  • Private: can be called via call or jump nodes only
Secure Connection required:
  • true: incoming request must be https.
  • false: incoming request can be http.

Name: name used to execute the pipeline.

A controller is a CommonJS module with exposed functions that can be called. Each exposed function serves the same purpose as a start node.

Call Mode and Secure Connection required: guards replace public and private call modes. Guards can restrict access to controllers based on protocol, HTTP method, or authorized login.

Name: The name of an exposed function. For example, if the Home pipeline has a Show start node, the equivalent Home controller exposes a Show function.

Call Node

Jump Node

A call node calls a pipeline workflow and returns to the current workflow.

A jump node calls a pipeline workflow and does not return to the current workflow.

Description: description for other developers using the pipeline.

Dynamic: select false to specify a pipeline directly or true to specify a dictionary item containing the pipeline.

Pipeline: pipeline name or Pipeline Dictionary item name

A controller is a CommonJS module and can require other modules and call their functions.
Note: It's not recommended that controllers call each other, because controller functionality is meant to be self-contained (to avoid circular dependencies). Sometimes, however, such as calling non-public controllers during the checkout process, it is unavoidable.

Script Node

Calls a custom script

Configuration: specify how you want a script node to behave.

  • OnError: PIPELET_ERROR or exception
  • Script File: the Salesforce B2C Commerce script file to execute
  • Timeout in seconds for this script. The default is 30 seconds within storefront requests and 15 minutes within jobs. The maximum upper limit when executing within a job is 60 minutes. The maximum upper limit when executing within a storefront request is 5 minutes.
  • Transactional: true or false

A controller is a CommonJS module and can require other modules and call their functions. To call a script function directly, the script must be modified to be a CommonJS module so it can be required.

OnError: Use standard JavaScript handling and the B2C Commerce Logger class to write to B2C Commerce logs.

Timeout: a controller as a whole has a timeout of 5 minutes. You can use standard JavaScript mechanisms to detect a long-running script, such as a break loop.

Transactional: you can wrap the execution of a function from a script by requiring dw/system/Transaction and using the wrap method.

Eval Node

Assign Node

Eval nodes evaluate an expression, resulting in an error, an exception, or Dictionary output.

Assign nodes assign values to new or existing Pipeline Dictionary entries, using up to 10 configured pairs of dictionary-input and dictionary-output values.

Standard variable declaration and assignment in JavaScript replaces both eval and assign nodes.

Decision Node

Join Node

Loop Node

Provides conditional branch in workflow

Comparison operator: comparison operator (for example, expression)

Decision Key: the Pipeline key to compare, typically to determine if its content is null.

Join nodes provide a convergence point for multiple branches in workflow

Loop nodes provide for an iterative process

Iterator Definition:

  • Element Key: name of the Pipeline Dictionary item that holds the current element
  • Iterator Key: name of the Pipeline Dictionary item to be used as the iterator
Use standard JavaScript for control flow in a controller.

Interaction Node

Specifies the page template used to show resulting information

Dynamic Template:

If set to true, uses a template expression to identify a dynamic template to use. This approach allows you to assign different templates for different product types.

Use the View.js helper class or the other view classes provided in the scripts directory to render templates and catch rendering errors.

Dynamic Template:

Use standard JavaScript to control which ISML template is rendered.

Interaction Continue Node

Processes a template based on user action via a browser. Usually, this approach is used for forms. The template must reference a form definition that defines storefront entry fields and buttons.

Call Properties:

Secure Connection required:
  • true: incoming request must be https.
  • false: incoming request can be http.

Dynamic Template:

If set to true, uses a template expression to identify a dynamic template to use. This approach lets you assign different templates for different product types.

Use controllers to define the logic used when rendering the form and handling form actions.

Secure Connection required: Guards replace public and private call modes. Guards can restrict access to controllers based on protocol, HTTP method, or authorized login.

Dynamic Template:

Use standard JavaScript to control which ISML template is rendered.

Stop Node

Functions as an emergency break, comparable with an exception within pipelets.

If you want to stop all pipelines, use a stop node. Avoid using stop nodes in production.

Name: external name
Use standard JavaScript to control flow.

End Node

Finishes the execution of the current pipeline

Name: must be unique within the pipeline. The calling pipeline can use and end node to dispatch flow after a call.

The value of the name property is returned to the calling node. If there is a transition off the calling node of the same name, that transition is followed. End node names can be evaluated at the call node to implement error handling.

If you choose to call a pipeline from a controller, the end node name is returned to you. Otherwise, you can replace an end node name with a variable.