
Name Description
FTPService Represents an FTP or SFTP Service.
FTPServiceDefinition Represents an FTP or SFTP Service Definition.
HTTPFormService Represents an HTTP Form POST Service.
HTTPFormServiceDefinition Represents an HTTP Form POST Service Definition.API Versioned: No longer available as of version 19.10.
HTTPService Represents an HTTP Service.
HTTPServiceDefinition Represents an HTTP Service Definition.
LocalServiceRegistry The LocalServiceRegistry is responsible for managing Service instances.
Result Represents the result of a service call.
Service Base class of Services.
ServiceCallback Defines callbacks for use with the LocalServiceRegistry.
ServiceConfig Configuration object for Services.
ServiceCredential Configuration object for Service Credentials.
ServiceDefinition Base class of Service Definitions.
ServiceProfile Configuration object for Service Profiles.
ServiceRegistry The ServiceRegistry is responsible for managing Service definitions and their instances.
SOAPService Represents a SOAP WebService.
SOAPServiceDefinition Represents a SOAP WebService definition.API Versioned: No longer available as of version 19.10.