Associate a Stripe Merchant Account to Your Commerce Cloud Instance

To configure Salesforce Payments with Stripe, you create a merchant account through your Commerce Cloud instance, and associate it with Stripe. You can also use a Stripe merchant account already associated with a Commerce Cloud instance.

  1. In Business Manager, select Administration > Global Preferences > Salesforce Payments.
  2. Click, Add Account.
  3. Click Stripe.
  4. (Optional) Create and associate a new Salesforce Payments merchant account.
    1. On the Stripe Account Associate page, click New Account.
    2. From the Country Code dropdown and select where the account-holding organization resides or where the business is legally established.
    3. Click Add.
  5. Click Next.
    The page refreshes with a message that your account was created and associated. A status prompt shows your onboarding status.
    1. If onboarding isn’t complete, click Onboard with Stripe. You’re redirected to the Stripe site. See Onboard Your Stripe Merchant Account.
    2. If onboarding is complete, the Onboard with Stripe button doesn’t display. Instead, the status Onboarding Complete displays.
  6. (Optional) If you’ve previously created a Salesforce Payments merchant account for another Commerce Cloud instance, you can associate that account to other Commerce Cloud instances.
    1. Enter the existing account identifier. You can access the ID from your instance’s Salesforce Payment Setup page or from the Stripe Dashboard’s Account Details page.
    2. Click Next.
      A new tab opens on the Stripe website where a test transaction is created.
    3. In the Add account dialog, click Verify Now.
    4. To verify the account, on the Stripe website click Capture.
    5. Return to Business Manager and in the Add window, Click Add.
Note: Some Stripe supported payment services have additional contract requirements. For Stripe's terms of service with the SEPA payment option, replace [the seller] with the appropriate name in the sepa_debit.message mandate key name entry in plugin_commercepayments/cartridges/plugin_commercepayments/cartridge/templates/resources/ SDD Core Mandate Translations for information on the SEPA Direct Debit (SDD) Payment mandate.
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