Set the Customer Statement Descriptor

You can customize the description that appears on a customer’s statement to identify the source of the charge. You can use different text for each site in your realm. When shoppers know the origin of a charge, it reduces payment disputes and chargeback requests.

  1. In Business Manager, select Merchant Tools > site > Ordering > Payments.
  2. Click Settings.
  3. For Customer Statement Descriptor, enter a short description to identify your site on bank and credit card statements. For example, www.yoursitename. The description must meet these requirements.
    The description must meet these requirements.
    • Contain 5–22 characters
    • Include at least one letter (only Latin characters)
    • Doesn’t include the special characters < > \ ' " *
    • Reflect your business name (DBA)
    • Contain more than a single common term or common website URL A website URL is acceptable only if it provides a clear and accurate description of the transaction on a customer’s statement.
  4. Click Save.