Class Namespace
Namespace objects represent XML namespaces and provide an association between a namespace prefix and a Unique Resource Identifier (URI). The prefix is either the undefined value or a string value that may be used to reference the namespace within the lexical representation of an XML value. When an XML object containing a namespace with an undefined prefix is encoded as XML by the method toXMLString(), the implementation will automatically generate a prefix. The URI is a string value used to uniquely identify the namespace.
prefix  :  String  (Read Only)
The prefix of the Namespace object.
uri  :  String  (Read Only)
The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of the Namespace object.
Constructor Summary
Constructs a simple namespace where the uri and prefix properties are set to an empty string.
Namespace(uriValue : Object)
Constructs a Namespace object and assigns values to the uri and prefix properties based on the type of uriValue.
Namespace(prefixValue : Object, uriValue : Object)
Constructs a Namespace object and assigns values to the uri and prefix properties.
Method Summary
getPrefix() : String
Returns the prefix of the Namespace object.
getUri() : String
Returns the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of the Namespace object.
toString() : String
Returns a string representation of this Namespace object.
Constructor Detail
public Namespace()
Constructs a simple namespace where the uri and prefix properties are set to an empty string. A namespace with URI set to the empty string represents no namespace. No namespace is used in XML objects to explicitly specify that a name is not inside a namespace and may never be associated with a prefix other than the empty string.

public Namespace(uriValue : Object)
Constructs a Namespace object and assigns values to the uri and prefix properties based on the type of uriValue. If uriValue is a Namespace object, a copy of the Namespace is constructed. If uriValue is a QName object, the uri property is set to the QName object's uri property. Otherwise, uriValue is converted into a string and assigned to the uri property.
uriValue - the value to use when constructing the Namespace.

public Namespace(prefixValue : Object, uriValue : Object)
Constructs a Namespace object and assigns values to the uri and prefix properties. The value of the prefixValue parameter is assigned to the prefix property in the following manner:
  1. If undefined is passed, prefix is set to undefined.
  2. If the argument is a valid XML name, it is converted to a string and assigned to the prefix property.
  3. If the argument is not a valid XML name, the prefix property is set to undefined.
The value of the uriValue parameter is assigned to the uri property in the following manner:
  1. If a QName object is passed for the uriValue parameter, the uri property is set to the value of the QName object's uri property.
  2. If a QName object is not passed for the uriValue parameter, the uriValue parameter is converted to a string and assigned to the uri property.
prefixValue - the prefix value to use when constructing the Namespace.
uriValue - the value to use when constructing the Namespace.

Method Detail
getPrefix() : String
Returns the prefix of the Namespace object.
the prefix of the Namespace object.

getUri() : String
Returns the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of the Namespace object.
the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of the Namespace object.

toString() : String
Returns a string representation of this Namespace object.
a string representation of this Namespace object.