Class CacheMgr
The CacheMgr class is the entry point for using custom caches.

The CacheMgr can manage multiple custom caches that share one storage space. Each individual cache has a unique ID and an optional expiration time that specifies the maximum time (in seconds) an entry is stored in the cache. For registering caches inside the cartridge root folder, a 'package.json' file with a 'caches' entry must exist. The registration of caches is independent of any site context.

 "caches": "./caches.json"
The caches entry links to a JSON file, with a path relative to the 'package.json' file. This file lists all registered caches inside the caches property:
   "caches": [
       "id": "UnlimitedTestCache"
       "id": "TestCacheWithExpiration",
       "expireAfterSeconds": 10
Constructor Summary
This class does not have a constructor, so you cannot create it directly.
Method Summary
static getCache(cacheID : String) : Cache
Returns the defined cache instance for the given ID.
Method Detail
static getCache(cacheID : String) : Cache
Returns the defined cache instance for the given ID. Throws an exception when the requested cache has not been defined in any caches.json descriptor.
cacheID - The ID of the cache.
The registered cache.