Import/Export Analytics and Reporting

Salesforce B2C Commerce reports on import and export processes via the Reports & Dashboards Technical dashboard, system logs, and import and export logs. While system logs provide general information about the system and APIs, import and export logs provide information that is specific to import/export processes, whether these processes are performed from within Business Manager or programmatically via pipelets.

Reports & Dashboard Technical Dashboard

B2C Commerce provides the Technical Reports dashboard to give you insights about your site’s server-side technical operations data, including pipelines and controllers.

You can download the Technical dashboard data as spreadsheet files.

System Logs

The system logs, accessible via WebDAV, capture information that is related to API processing, data staging, and error handling. Use the links provided in Business Manager (Administration > Site Development > Development Setup > WebDAV section > Log files). These logs can provide useful information when troubleshooting import and export related issues.

Import and Export Logs

If you use the XMLValidation pipelet to validate your import and export, you can generate a log. The log is located by default under IMPEX/log in your cartridge. You can access this log via your WebDAV connection. For example:

You can find the name of the log generated for a particular run through of the pipeline by using a breakpoint on the XMLValidation node and checking the log file attribute.

Not all errors thrown by the import pipelets and logged cause the pipeline processing to stop. It's important to include error handling for some of these exceptions, so that you are aware of problems when they occur.

B2C Commerce automatically cleans up any log files in the IMPEX/log folder 30 days after they were created on Staging and Production instances and 7 days after they were created on Sandbox and Development instances.