
Name Description
BrandSuggestions The brands suggestion container provides access to brands found using the suggested terms.
CategorySuggestions The category suggestion container provides access to categories found using the suggested terms as search criteria.
ContentSuggestions The content suggestion container provides access to content pages found using the suggested terms as search criteria.
CustomSuggestions The custom suggestion container provides access to merchant provided search phrases found using the suggested terms as search criteria.
ProductSuggestions The product suggestion container provides access to products found using the suggested terms.
SearchPhraseSuggestions The search phrase suggestions contain a list of suggested search phrases (see SuggestedPhrase) as well as, for each of the search phrase terms, a list with corrected and completed alternative terms.
SuggestedCategory This class represents a suggested catalog category.
SuggestedContent This class represents a suggested content page.
SuggestedPhrase This class represents a suggested phrase.
SuggestedProduct This class represents a suggested product.
SuggestedTerm A single suggested term.
SuggestedTerms This container represents a list of suggested terms, all belonging to a particular single original term of the users input search phrase.
Suggestions This is the base class for suggestions containers.
SuggestModel The Suggest model provides methods and functions to access search suggestions.