Name | Description |
BrandSuggestions | The brands suggestion container provides access to brands found using the suggested terms. |
CategorySuggestions | The category suggestion container provides access to categories found using the suggested terms as search criteria. |
ContentSuggestions | The content suggestion container provides access to content pages found using the suggested terms as search criteria. |
CustomSuggestions | The custom suggestion container provides access to merchant provided search phrases found using the suggested terms as search criteria. |
ProductSuggestions | The product suggestion container provides access to products found using the suggested terms. |
SearchPhraseSuggestions | The search phrase suggestions contain a list of suggested search phrases (see SuggestedPhrase) as well as, for each of the search phrase terms, a list with corrected and completed alternative terms. |
SuggestedCategory | This class represents a suggested catalog category. |
SuggestedContent | This class represents a suggested content page. |
SuggestedPhrase | This class represents a suggested phrase. |
SuggestedProduct | This class represents a suggested product. |
SuggestedTerm | A single suggested term. |
SuggestedTerms | This container represents a list of suggested terms, all belonging to a particular single original term of the users input search phrase. |
Suggestions | This is the base class for suggestions containers. |
SuggestModel | The Suggest model provides methods and functions to access search suggestions. |