Class ProductActiveData
Represents the active data for a Product in Commerce Cloud Digital.
availableDate  :  Date  (Read Only)
The date the product became available on the site, or null if none has been set.
avgGrossMarginPercentDay  :  Number  (Read Only)
The average gross margin percentage of the product, over the most recent day for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
avgGrossMarginPercentMonth  :  Number  (Read Only)
The average gross margin percentage of the product, over the most recent 30 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
avgGrossMarginPercentWeek  :  Number  (Read Only)
The average gross margin percentage of the product, over the most recent 7 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
avgGrossMarginPercentYear  :  Number  (Read Only)
The average gross margin percentage of the product, over the most recent 365 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
avgGrossMarginValueDay  :  Number  (Read Only)
The average gross margin value of the product, over the most recent day for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
avgGrossMarginValueMonth  :  Number  (Read Only)
The average gross margin value of the product, over the most recent 30 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
avgGrossMarginValueWeek  :  Number  (Read Only)
The average gross margin value of the product, over the most recent 7 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
avgGrossMarginValueYear  :  Number  (Read Only)
The average gross margin value of the product, over the most recent 365 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
avgSalesPriceDay  :  Number  (Read Only)
The average sales price for the product, over the most recent day for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
avgSalesPriceMonth  :  Number  (Read Only)
The average sales price for the product, over the most recent 30 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
avgSalesPriceWeek  :  Number  (Read Only)
The average sales price for the product, over the most recent 7 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
avgSalesPriceYear  :  Number  (Read Only)
The average sales price for the product, over the most recent 365 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
conversionDay  :  Number  (Read Only)
The conversion rate of the product, over the most recent day for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
conversionMonth  :  Number  (Read Only)
The conversion rate of the product, over the most recent 30 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
conversionWeek  :  Number  (Read Only)
The conversion rate of the product, over the most recent 7 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
conversionYear  :  Number  (Read Only)
The conversion rate of the product, over the most recent 365 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
costPrice  :  Number  (Read Only)
The cost price for the product for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
daysAvailable  :  Number  (Read Only)
The number of days the product has been available on the site. The number is calculated based on the current date and the date the product became available on the site, or if that date has not been set, the date the product was created in the system.
impressionsDay  :  Number  (Read Only)
The impressions of the product, over the most recent day for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
impressionsMonth  :  Number  (Read Only)
The impressions of the product, over the most recent 30 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
impressionsWeek  :  Number  (Read Only)
The impressions of the product, over the most recent 7 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
impressionsYear  :  Number  (Read Only)
The impressions of the product, over the most recent 365 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
lookToBookRatioDay  :  Number  (Read Only)
The look to book ratio of the product, over the most recent day for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
lookToBookRatioMonth  :  Number  (Read Only)
The look to book ratio of the product, over the most recent 30 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
lookToBookRatioWeek  :  Number  (Read Only)
The look to book ratio of the product, over the most recent 7 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
lookToBookRatioYear  :  Number  (Read Only)
The look to book ratio of the product, over the most recent 365 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
ordersDay  :  Number  (Read Only)
The number of orders containing the product, over the most recent day for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
ordersMonth  :  Number  (Read Only)
The number of orders containing the product, over the most recent 30 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
ordersWeek  :  Number  (Read Only)
The number of orders containing the product, over the most recent 7 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
ordersYear  :  Number  (Read Only)
The number of orders containing the product, over the most recent 365 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
returnRate  :  Number  (Read Only)
The return rate for the product for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
revenueDay  :  Number  (Read Only)
The revenue of the product, over the most recent day for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
revenueMonth  :  Number  (Read Only)
The revenue of the product, over the most recent 30 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
revenueWeek  :  Number  (Read Only)
The revenue of the product, over the most recent 7 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
revenueYear  :  Number  (Read Only)
The revenue of the product, over the most recent 365 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
salesVelocityDay  :  Number  (Read Only)
The sales velocity of the product, over the most recent day for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
salesVelocityMonth  :  Number  (Read Only)
The sales velocity of the product, over the most recent 30 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
salesVelocityWeek  :  Number  (Read Only)
The sales velocity of the product, over the most recent 7 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
salesVelocityYear  :  Number  (Read Only)
The sales velocity of the product, over the most recent 365 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
unitsDay  :  Number  (Read Only)
The units of the product ordered over the most recent day for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
unitsMonth  :  Number  (Read Only)
The units of the product ordered over the most recent 30 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
unitsWeek  :  Number  (Read Only)
The units of the product ordered over the most recent 7 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
unitsYear  :  Number  (Read Only)
The units of the product ordered over the most recent 365 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
viewsDay  :  Number  (Read Only)
The views of the product, over the most recent day for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
viewsMonth  :  Number  (Read Only)
The views of the product, over the most recent 30 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
viewsWeek  :  Number  (Read Only)
The views of the product, over the most recent 7 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
viewsYear  :  Number  (Read Only)
The views of the product, over the most recent 365 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
Constructor Summary
This class does not have a constructor, so you cannot create it directly.
Method Summary
getAvailableDate() : Date
Returns the date the product became available on the site, or null if none has been set.
getAvgGrossMarginPercentDay() : Number
Returns the average gross margin percentage of the product, over the most recent day for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
getAvgGrossMarginPercentMonth() : Number
Returns the average gross margin percentage of the product, over the most recent 30 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
getAvgGrossMarginPercentWeek() : Number
Returns the average gross margin percentage of the product, over the most recent 7 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
getAvgGrossMarginPercentYear() : Number
Returns the average gross margin percentage of the product, over the most recent 365 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
getAvgGrossMarginValueDay() : Number
Returns the average gross margin value of the product, over the most recent day for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
getAvgGrossMarginValueMonth() : Number
Returns the average gross margin value of the product, over the most recent 30 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
getAvgGrossMarginValueWeek() : Number
Returns the average gross margin value of the product, over the most recent 7 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
getAvgGrossMarginValueYear() : Number
Returns the average gross margin value of the product, over the most recent 365 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
getAvgSalesPriceDay() : Number
Returns the average sales price for the product, over the most recent day for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
getAvgSalesPriceMonth() : Number
Returns the average sales price for the product, over the most recent 30 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
getAvgSalesPriceWeek() : Number
Returns the average sales price for the product, over the most recent 7 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
getAvgSalesPriceYear() : Number
Returns the average sales price for the product, over the most recent 365 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
getConversionDay() : Number
Returns the conversion rate of the product, over the most recent day for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
getConversionMonth() : Number
Returns the conversion rate of the product, over the most recent 30 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
getConversionWeek() : Number
Returns the conversion rate of the product, over the most recent 7 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
getConversionYear() : Number
Returns the conversion rate of the product, over the most recent 365 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
getCostPrice() : Number
Returns the cost price for the product for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
getDaysAvailable() : Number
Returns the number of days the product has been available on the site.
getImpressionsDay() : Number
Returns the impressions of the product, over the most recent day for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
getImpressionsMonth() : Number
Returns the impressions of the product, over the most recent 30 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
getImpressionsWeek() : Number
Returns the impressions of the product, over the most recent 7 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
getImpressionsYear() : Number
Returns the impressions of the product, over the most recent 365 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
getLookToBookRatioDay() : Number
Returns the look to book ratio of the product, over the most recent day for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
getLookToBookRatioMonth() : Number
Returns the look to book ratio of the product, over the most recent 30 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
getLookToBookRatioWeek() : Number
Returns the look to book ratio of the product, over the most recent 7 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
getLookToBookRatioYear() : Number
Returns the look to book ratio of the product, over the most recent 365 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
getOrdersDay() : Number
Returns the number of orders containing the product, over the most recent day for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
getOrdersMonth() : Number
Returns the number of orders containing the product, over the most recent 30 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
getOrdersWeek() : Number
Returns the number of orders containing the product, over the most recent 7 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
getOrdersYear() : Number
Returns the number of orders containing the product, over the most recent 365 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
getReturnRate() : Number
Returns the return rate for the product for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
getRevenueDay() : Number
Returns the revenue of the product, over the most recent day for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
getRevenueMonth() : Number
Returns the revenue of the product, over the most recent 30 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
getRevenueWeek() : Number
Returns the revenue of the product, over the most recent 7 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
getRevenueYear() : Number
Returns the revenue of the product, over the most recent 365 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
getSalesVelocityDay() : Number
Returns the sales velocity of the product, over the most recent day for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
getSalesVelocityMonth() : Number
Returns the sales velocity of the product, over the most recent 30 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
getSalesVelocityWeek() : Number
Returns the sales velocity of the product, over the most recent 7 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
getSalesVelocityYear() : Number
Returns the sales velocity of the product, over the most recent 365 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
getUnitsDay() : Number
Returns the units of the product ordered over the most recent day for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
getUnitsMonth() : Number
Returns the units of the product ordered over the most recent 30 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
getUnitsWeek() : Number
Returns the units of the product ordered over the most recent 7 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
getUnitsYear() : Number
Returns the units of the product ordered over the most recent 365 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
getViewsDay() : Number
Returns the views of the product, over the most recent day for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
getViewsMonth() : Number
Returns the views of the product, over the most recent 30 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
getViewsWeek() : Number
Returns the views of the product, over the most recent 7 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
getViewsYear() : Number
Returns the views of the product, over the most recent 365 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
Methods inherited from class ActiveData
Methods inherited from class ExtensibleObject
Methods inherited from class PersistentObject
Method Detail
getAvailableDate() : Date
Returns the date the product became available on the site, or null if none has been set.
the date the product became available.

getAvgGrossMarginPercentDay() : Number
Returns the average gross margin percentage of the product, over the most recent day for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
the average gross margin percentage over the last day.

getAvgGrossMarginPercentMonth() : Number
Returns the average gross margin percentage of the product, over the most recent 30 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
the average gross margin percentage over the last 30 days.

getAvgGrossMarginPercentWeek() : Number
Returns the average gross margin percentage of the product, over the most recent 7 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
the average gross margin percentage over the last 7 days.

getAvgGrossMarginPercentYear() : Number
Returns the average gross margin percentage of the product, over the most recent 365 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
the average gross margin percentage over the last 365 days.

getAvgGrossMarginValueDay() : Number
Returns the average gross margin value of the product, over the most recent day for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
the average gross margin value over the last day.

getAvgGrossMarginValueMonth() : Number
Returns the average gross margin value of the product, over the most recent 30 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
the average gross margin value over the last 30 days.

getAvgGrossMarginValueWeek() : Number
Returns the average gross margin value of the product, over the most recent 7 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
the average gross margin value over the last 7 days.

getAvgGrossMarginValueYear() : Number
Returns the average gross margin value of the product, over the most recent 365 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
the average gross margin value over the last 365 days.

getAvgSalesPriceDay() : Number
Returns the average sales price for the product, over the most recent day for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
the average sales price over the last day.

getAvgSalesPriceMonth() : Number
Returns the average sales price for the product, over the most recent 30 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
the average sales price over the last 30 days.

getAvgSalesPriceWeek() : Number
Returns the average sales price for the product, over the most recent 7 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
the average sales price over the last 7 days.

getAvgSalesPriceYear() : Number
Returns the average sales price for the product, over the most recent 365 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
the average sales price over the last 365 days.

getConversionDay() : Number
Returns the conversion rate of the product, over the most recent day for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
the conversion over the last day.

getConversionMonth() : Number
Returns the conversion rate of the product, over the most recent 30 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
the conversion over the last 30 days.

getConversionWeek() : Number
Returns the conversion rate of the product, over the most recent 7 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
the conversion over the last 7 days.

getConversionYear() : Number
Returns the conversion rate of the product, over the most recent 365 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
the conversion over the last 365 days.

getCostPrice() : Number
Returns the cost price for the product for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
the cost price.

getDaysAvailable() : Number
Returns the number of days the product has been available on the site. The number is calculated based on the current date and the date the product became available on the site, or if that date has not been set, the date the product was created in the system.
the age in days.
See Also:

getImpressionsDay() : Number
Returns the impressions of the product, over the most recent day for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
the impressions over the last day.

getImpressionsMonth() : Number
Returns the impressions of the product, over the most recent 30 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
the impressions over the last 30 days.

getImpressionsWeek() : Number
Returns the impressions of the product, over the most recent 7 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
the impressions over the last 7 days.

getImpressionsYear() : Number
Returns the impressions of the product, over the most recent 365 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
the impressions over the last 365 days.

getLookToBookRatioDay() : Number
Returns the look to book ratio of the product, over the most recent day for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
the look to book ratio over the last day.

getLookToBookRatioMonth() : Number
Returns the look to book ratio of the product, over the most recent 30 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
the look to book ratio over the last 30 days.

getLookToBookRatioWeek() : Number
Returns the look to book ratio of the product, over the most recent 7 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
the look to book ratio over the last 7 days.

getLookToBookRatioYear() : Number
Returns the look to book ratio of the product, over the most recent 365 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
the look to book ratio over the last 365 days.

getOrdersDay() : Number
Returns the number of orders containing the product, over the most recent day for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
the orders over the last day.

getOrdersMonth() : Number
Returns the number of orders containing the product, over the most recent 30 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
the orders over the last 30 days.

getOrdersWeek() : Number
Returns the number of orders containing the product, over the most recent 7 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
the orders over the last 7 days.

getOrdersYear() : Number
Returns the number of orders containing the product, over the most recent 365 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
the orders over the last 365 days.

getReturnRate() : Number
Returns the return rate for the product for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
the return rate.

getRevenueDay() : Number
Returns the revenue of the product, over the most recent day for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
the revenue over the last day.

getRevenueMonth() : Number
Returns the revenue of the product, over the most recent 30 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
the revenue over the last 30 days.

getRevenueWeek() : Number
Returns the revenue of the product, over the most recent 7 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
the revenue over the last 7 days.

getRevenueYear() : Number
Returns the revenue of the product, over the most recent 365 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
the revenue over the last 365 days.

getSalesVelocityDay() : Number
Returns the sales velocity of the product, over the most recent day for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
the sales velocity over the last day.

getSalesVelocityMonth() : Number
Returns the sales velocity of the product, over the most recent 30 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
the sales velocity over the last 30 days.

getSalesVelocityWeek() : Number
Returns the sales velocity of the product, over the most recent 7 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
the sales velocity over the last 7 days.

getSalesVelocityYear() : Number
Returns the sales velocity of the product, over the most recent 365 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
the sales velocity over the last 365 days.

getUnitsDay() : Number
Returns the units of the product ordered over the most recent day for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
the units over the last day.

getUnitsMonth() : Number
Returns the units of the product ordered over the most recent 30 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
the units over the last 30 days.

getUnitsWeek() : Number
Returns the units of the product ordered over the most recent 7 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
the units over the last 7 days.

getUnitsYear() : Number
Returns the units of the product ordered over the most recent 365 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
the units over the last 365 days.

getViewsDay() : Number
Returns the views of the product, over the most recent day for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
the views over the last day.

getViewsMonth() : Number
Returns the views of the product, over the most recent 30 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
the views over the last 30 days.

getViewsWeek() : Number
Returns the views of the product, over the most recent 7 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
the views over the last 7 days.

getViewsYear() : Number
Returns the views of the product, over the most recent 365 days for the site, or null if none has been set or the value is no longer valid.
the views over the last 365 days.