Change Your Account Password

You are required to change your password every 90 days. You can define a new password even if your existing password expired. After a password has expired, you can attempt to log in six times to set a new password before your account is temporarily locked. After you successfully log in with an expired password, immediately reset your password.

This procedure works only when your Account Manager account is not linked to a Salesforce Identity account. To change your password:
  1. Log into Account Manager.
  2. Click Password.
  3. In the Current Password field, reenter your current password.
  4. In the New Password field, enter your new password.
    The new password requirements are as follows:
    • Must be at least 12 characters long. (You can configure the number on the organization level. The number must always be equal to or greater than 12)
    • Must not reuse any of the 4 previous passwords. (You can configure the number on the organization level. The number must always be equal to or greater than 4)
    • Minimum complexity must include three out of four - numbers, symbols, lower case, upper case
    • Must not include part of your name or username or UUID
  5. In the Confirm Password field, reenter your new password.
  6. Click Change Password.
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