All Pipelets
Name | Description |
ABCTest | Deprecated. |
AcceptForm | Causes the values contained in form to be transfered to the object that is bound to the Form. |
AddBonusProductToBasket | Adds a bonus product to the Basket associated with the specified BonusDiscountLineItem. |
AddCouponToBasket | Deprecated. |
AddCouponToBasket2 | Validates the supplied coupon code and, if the coupon code is valid, applies them to the basket. |
AddGiftCertificateToBasket | Adds a Gift Certificate to a Basket based on the passed in parameters. |
AddGiftCertificateToProductList | Add a ProductListItem of type GIFT_CERTIFICATE to the ProductList. |
AddPaymentInstrumentToBasket | Creates a new payment instrument for the basket. |
AddProductToBasket | Adds a Product to the Basket. |
AddProductToProductList | Add a ProductListItem of type PRODUCT to the ProductList, which is associated with the specified Product. |
Assign | This pipelet copies the values from a specified set of dictionary keys into another specified set of keys. |
CancelOrder | This pipelet cancels a previously created order. |
ClearFormElement | Clears the value in the specified FormElement. |
CreateBasketForOrderEdit | Creates a Basket from an existing Order for the purposes of changing an Order. |
CreateBasketPaymentInstrument | Deprecated. |
CreateBillingAddress | Creates and returns a new Address and assigns it to the billing address property of the Basket. |
CreateCustomer | This pipelet creates a new Customer using the supplied Login (i.e. |
CreateCustomerAddress | This pipelet creates a new Address, of the type specified by AddressID, for the specified Customer. |
CreateCustomerPaymentInstrument | Creates a persistent CustomerPaymentInstrument for the specified Customer. |
CreateCustomerProfile | Deprecated. |
CreateCustomObject | Creates a CustomObject with the ID specified by the value of Key. |
CreateGiftCertificate | CreateGiftCertificate attempts to create a GiftCertificate using the required and optional input parameters. |
CreateOrder | This pipelet creates and places an Order from the specified Basket. |
CreateOrder2 | This pipelet creates an Order based on the specified Basket. |
CreateOrderNo | Return the next available sequential order number. |
CreatePaymentTransaction | Deprecated. |
CreateProductList | Create and return a ProductList of the specified Type, which is owned by the specified Customer. |
CreateProductListRegistrant | Creates a ProductListRegistrant that is associated with the specified ProductList. |
CreateShipment | Creates a new shipment with the given ID for the given Basket. |
CreateShippingAddress | Creates a new empty Address and attaches it to the given Shipment. |
CreateShippingOrders | This pipelet creates ShippingOrders for Orders with OPEN items and is usually used within a job.The selection of orders fed into the process can be controlled by providing an QueryString parameter. |
Eval | Evaluates a Commerce Cloud Digital Script expression. |
ExportABTests | |
ExportCatalog | Exports selective information in the specified Catalog. |
ExportContent | Exports the specified Folders in the specified content Library. |
ExportCouponCodes | Exports the codes of a specified Coupon. |
ExportCoupons | Exports xml representations of coupons. |
ExportCustomerGroups | Exports the customer groups. |
ExportCustomerList | Exports selective information in the specified customer list. |
ExportCustomers | Exports the customer Profiles contained in Customers.Note: this pipelet allows access to sensitive personal data and security-related information. |
ExportCustomObjects | Exports the specified CustomObjects. |
ExportGiftCertificates | Exports Gift Certificates. |
ExportInventoryLists | Exports the specified InventoryLists. |
ExportMetaData | Exports the system metadata according to the input parameters. |
ExportOrders | Exports the specified orders, with optional encryption of payment information (credit card or bank account). |
ExportPriceAdjustmentLimits | Deprecated. |
ExportPriceBooks | Exports the specified PriceBooks. |
ExportProductLists | Exports the product lists contained in ProductLists |
ExportPromotions | Exports promotions. |
ExportShippingMethods | Exports the specified ShippingMethods. |
ExportSlots | Exports content slots. |
ExportSourceCodes | Exports the specified SourcCodeGroups. |
ExportStores | Exports the specified Stores. |
ExportTaxTable | Exports all tax classes, tax jurisdictions and tax rates of the current site. |
FailOrder | Deprecated. |
FinalizeOAuthLogin | This pipelet works in tandem with the InitiateOAuthLogin pipelet. |
GenerateResetPasswordToken | Generate a random token that can be used for resetting the password of the passed Customer. |
GetBasket | Returns the basket of the current user. |
GetBrands | This pipelet returns the list of brands for all products in the site catalog. |
GetCategory | The pipelet returns the Category identified by the supplied CategoryID. |
GetContent | This pipelet returns the Content from the current site's site library identified by the supplied ContentID. |
GetCustomer | Returns the customer for the specified login name. |
GetCustomerAddress | Returns an existing Address, of the type specified by AddressID, which belongs to the supplied Customer. |
GetCustomerPaymentInstruments | Return the set of stored PaymentInstruments for the specified Customer. |
GetCustomerProfile | Deprecated. |
GetGiftCertificate | Retrieves the gift certificate instance identified by given ID (gift certificate code). |
GetLastVisitedProducts | The pipelet returns the set of Products visited in the current session. |
GetNearestStores | This pipelet gets the list of stores, for the current site, that are within a configured distance of a location on the earth. |
GetOrder | Finds the Order for the given order document number specified by OrderNo. |
GetPaymentProcessor | Returns the PaymentProcessor identified by the specified ID. |
GetProduct | Returns the Product identified by the supplied ProductID. |
GetProductList | Return a ProductList as specified by the input parameters. |
GetProductLists | Returns all ProductLists owned by the specified Customer, which are of the specified Type. |
GetReplicationStatus | Deprecated. |
GetSearchSuggestions | This pipelines runs a (partial) user query phrase against the product suggestion index and retrieves useful completions for that search phrase. |
ImportABTests | Imports AB tests from the given ImportFile in the specified mode. |
ImportActiveData | Imports Active Data from the given ImportFile. |
ImportCatalog | Imports the catalog data specified by ImportFile into the system in the specified mode.The result of the import operation is represented by the Status output property. |
ImportContent | Imports the data specified by ImportFile into the specified Library in the specified mode. |
ImportCoupons | Imports Coupons from the given ImportFile in the specified mode. |
ImportCustomerGroups | Imports the customer groups in the specified mode. |
ImportCustomerList | Imports the customer list contained in ImportFile in the specified mode. |
ImportCustomers | Imports the customers contained in ImportFile in the specified mode. |
ImportCustomObjects | Imports the custom object data contained in ImportFile in the specified mode. |
ImportGiftCertificates | Import the Gift Certificates contained in ImportFile in the specified mode. |
ImportInventoryLists | Imports Inventory Lists from the given ImportFile in the specified mode. |
ImportKeyValueMapping | Imports a new mapping definition with the name MappingName into the system or replace/merge/delete an existing mapping definition with that name. |
ImportPriceAdjustmentLimits | Deprecated. |
ImportPriceBooks | Imports the price data contained in ImportFile in the specified mode. |
ImportProductLists | Imports the product lists contained in ImportFile in the specified mode. |
ImportPromotions | Imports Campaigns and Promotions from the given ImportFile in the specified mode. |
ImportShippingMethods | Imports Shipping Methods from the given ImportFile in the specified mode. |
ImportSlots | Imports content slot configurations from the given ImportFile in the specified mode. |
ImportSourceCodes | Imports Source-Code Groups from the given ImportFile in the specified mode. |
ImportStores | Imports Stores from the given ImportFile in the specified mode. |
ImportTaxTable | Imports Tax Classes, Tax Jurisdictions and Tax Rates from the given ImportFile in the specified mode. |
InitiateOAuthLogin | This pipelet works in tandem with other pipelets (FinalizeOAuthLoginXX). |
InvalidateFormElement | Invalidates the specified FormElement. |
InvalidateWebCache | Invalidates web page cache and/or static content cache (images, styles, etc.) of the specified site, the current site or of all sites. |
LoginAgentUser | Login an agent user, which is authorized to login on-behalf of a customer for instance to place an order. |
LoginCustomer | This pipelet authenticates the current session using the supplied Login and Password. |
LoginOnBehalfCustomer | This pipelet logs the specified customer into the current session if the current agent user has the functional permission 'Login_On_Behalf' in the current site. |
LogoutAgentUser | Performs a logout of the agent user and the current customer. |
LogoutCustomer | Logs out the customer currently logged into the storefront. |
Paging | This pipelet creates a PagingModel for paging through lists of Objects. |
PlaceOrder | This pipelet places an order after payment has been authorized. |
RedeemGiftCertificate | Attempts to redeem an amount from a GiftCertificate. |
RedirectURL | The pipelet translates a URL, which is typically a legacy URL from an existing site, to a new URL suitable for a redirect. |
RemoveBasketPaymentInstrument | Deletes one or multiple payment instruments. |
RemoveCouponLineItem | The pipelet removes the supplied CouponLineItem from its line item container. |
RemoveCustomer | Logs out the supplied customer and deletes the customer record. |
RemoveCustomerAddress | Removes the supplied Address. |
RemoveCustomerPaymentInstrument | Permanently removes the specified PaymentInstrument from the customer's profile. |
RemoveCustomObject | This pipelet removes the specified CustomObject. |
RemoveGiftCertificateLineItem | Removes a gift certificate line item from the basket |
RemoveProductLineItem | The pipelet removes the supplied ProductLineItem from its line item container. |
RemoveProductList | Removes the specified ProductList from the system. |
RemoveProductListItem | Removes the specified ProductListItem from its parent ProductList. |
ReplaceLineItemProduct | Replaces the current product of the specified product line item with the specified product. |
ReserveInventoryForOrder | This pipelet is used in the order creation pipeline to reserve inventory for all products contained in the specified Basket. |
ResetCustomerPassword | Generates a random Password and assigns it to the supplied Customer. |
ResetCustomerPasswordWithToken | Set the password of the specified customer to the specified value. |
ReturnImport | This pipelet processes a return import file and results in returns being updated and / or created. |
RunJobNow | Run the job specified by JobName for the current organization. |
Script | This pipelet executes a Commerce Cloud Digital script. |
Search | This pipelet executes either a product or content search, as specified by the configuration parameters, and returns a corresponding ProductSearchModel or ContentSearchModel. |
SearchCustomObject | This pipelet searches for the custom object instances of the specified type. |
SearchProductLists | Searches for ProductLists matching the specified input parameters. |
SearchRedirectURL | Checks whether a search redirect matches the provided search phrase. |
SearchSystemObject | This pipelet searches for system object instances. |
SendGoogleSiteMap | This pipelet reads a given Google site map from the file specified by FileName, and copies it into the request output stream. |
SendMail | This pipelet sends an email message which is formatted and constructed using an .isml template. |
SetApplicablePriceBooks | This pipelet is used to set one or more price books to be considered by the product price lookup. |
SetCustomerPassword | Assign the specified Password to the specified Customer profile, validates old password if verifyOldPassword flag is true while assigning password and the pipelet exits with an ERROR if the old Password is not valid. |
SetFormOptions | Clears the FormField's options, and then sets the options from a map of name/value pairs contained in Options input parameter. |
SetRequestLocale | Sets the given locale for the current request. |
SetSessionCurrency | The pipelet sets the currency property of the user session. |
SetShippingMethod | Assigns the provided ShippingMethod to the provided Shipment. |
SetSourceCode | Applies the specified source-code to the current basket and session. |
SourceCodeRedirectURL | Retrieves the redirect information from the last processed SourceCodeGroup (active or inactive). |
StartCheckout | Register a "start checkout" event for the specified basket. |
TriggerReplication | Deprecated. |
UpdateFormWithObject | Updates the specified Form with the corresponding property values contained in Object. |
UpdateObjectWithForm | Updates the specified Object with the corresponding property values contained in the specified Form. |
UpdatePageMetaData | Updates the page metadata (that is used to specify the page title, among other things), based on an input parameter. |
UpdateProductLineItemQuantity | Updates the supplied ProductLineItem with the supplied Quantity. |
UpdateProductOptionSelections | The purpose of this pipelet is to process option value selections, and calculate and return the ProductOptionModels for one or multiple products. |
UpdateProductVariationSelections | The purpose of this pipelet is to process variation value selections, and calculate and return the ProductVariationModels for one or multiple products. |
UpdateSearchIndex | This pipelet updates search indexes for all sites and allowed locales of your organization. |
UpdateShippingOrders | This pipelet processes a shipping order update import file and results in shipping orders and the orders to which they belong being updated. |
ValidateActiveDataFile | Validates the given active data CSV file and returns a status reporting the results of the validation. |
ValidateResetPasswordToken | Validate that the passed token created by a previous call to GenerateResetPasswordToken is valid. |
ValidateXMLFile | Validates the given xml file against the given xsd schema definition and returns a status reporting the results of the validation. |
VerifyCreditCard | Deprecated. |
VerifyCreditCardExpirationDate | Deprecated. |
VerifyCreditCardNumber | Deprecated. |
VerifyPaymentCard | This pipelet is used to verify payment card information. |
VSAuthorizeCreditCard | Deprecated. |
Analytics (deprecated)
Name | Description |
ABCTest | Deprecated. |
Name | Description |
AddBonusProductToBasket | Adds a bonus product to the Basket associated with the specified BonusDiscountLineItem. |
AddCouponToBasket2 | Validates the supplied coupon code and, if the coupon code is valid, applies them to the basket. |
AddGiftCertificateToBasket | Adds a Gift Certificate to a Basket based on the passed in parameters. |
AddPaymentInstrumentToBasket | Creates a new payment instrument for the basket. |
AddProductToBasket | Adds a Product to the Basket. |
CreateBasketForOrderEdit | Creates a Basket from an existing Order for the purposes of changing an Order. |
CreateBillingAddress | Creates and returns a new Address and assigns it to the billing address property of the Basket. |
CreateShipment | Creates a new shipment with the given ID for the given Basket. |
CreateShippingAddress | Creates a new empty Address and attaches it to the given Shipment. |
GetBasket | Returns the basket of the current user. |
RemoveBasketPaymentInstrument | Deletes one or multiple payment instruments. |
RemoveCouponLineItem | The pipelet removes the supplied CouponLineItem from its line item container. |
RemoveGiftCertificateLineItem | Removes a gift certificate line item from the basket |
RemoveProductLineItem | The pipelet removes the supplied ProductLineItem from its line item container. |
ReplaceLineItemProduct | Replaces the current product of the specified product line item with the specified product. |
SetShippingMethod | Assigns the provided ShippingMethod to the provided Shipment. |
StartCheckout | Register a "start checkout" event for the specified basket. |
UpdateProductLineItemQuantity | Updates the supplied ProductLineItem with the supplied Quantity. |
VerifyPaymentCard | This pipelet is used to verify payment card information. |
Basket (deprecated)
Name | Description |
AddCouponToBasket | Deprecated. |
CreateBasketPaymentInstrument | Deprecated. |
CreatePaymentTransaction | Deprecated. |
VerifyCreditCard | Deprecated. |
VerifyCreditCardExpirationDate | Deprecated. |
VerifyCreditCardNumber | Deprecated. |
Name | Description |
GetBrands | This pipelet returns the list of brands for all products in the site catalog. |
GetCategory | The pipelet returns the Category identified by the supplied CategoryID. |
GetLastVisitedProducts | The pipelet returns the set of Products visited in the current session. |
GetProduct | Returns the Product identified by the supplied ProductID. |
SetApplicablePriceBooks | This pipelet is used to set one or more price books to be considered by the product price lookup. |
UpdateProductOptionSelections | The purpose of this pipelet is to process option value selections, and calculate and return the ProductOptionModels for one or multiple products. |
UpdateProductVariationSelections | The purpose of this pipelet is to process variation value selections, and calculate and return the ProductVariationModels for one or multiple products. |
Name | Description |
Assign | This pipelet copies the values from a specified set of dictionary keys into another specified set of keys. |
Eval | Evaluates a Commerce Cloud Digital Script expression. |
Paging | This pipelet creates a PagingModel for paging through lists of Objects. |
SendMail | This pipelet sends an email message which is formatted and constructed using an .isml template. |
UpdatePageMetaData | Updates the page metadata (that is used to specify the page title, among other things), based on an input parameter. |
Name | Description |
GetContent | This pipelet returns the Content from the current site's site library identified by the supplied ContentID. |
Name | Description |
CreateCustomer | This pipelet creates a new Customer using the supplied Login (i.e. |
CreateCustomerAddress | This pipelet creates a new Address, of the type specified by AddressID, for the specified Customer. |
CreateCustomerPaymentInstrument | Creates a persistent CustomerPaymentInstrument for the specified Customer. |
FinalizeOAuthLogin | This pipelet works in tandem with the InitiateOAuthLogin pipelet. |
GenerateResetPasswordToken | Generate a random token that can be used for resetting the password of the passed Customer. |
GetCustomer | Returns the customer for the specified login name. |
GetCustomerAddress | Returns an existing Address, of the type specified by AddressID, which belongs to the supplied Customer. |
GetCustomerPaymentInstruments | Return the set of stored PaymentInstruments for the specified Customer. |
InitiateOAuthLogin | This pipelet works in tandem with other pipelets (FinalizeOAuthLoginXX). |
LoginAgentUser | Login an agent user, which is authorized to login on-behalf of a customer for instance to place an order. |
LoginCustomer | This pipelet authenticates the current session using the supplied Login and Password. |
LoginOnBehalfCustomer | This pipelet logs the specified customer into the current session if the current agent user has the functional permission 'Login_On_Behalf' in the current site. |
LogoutAgentUser | Performs a logout of the agent user and the current customer. |
LogoutCustomer | Logs out the customer currently logged into the storefront. |
RemoveCustomer | Logs out the supplied customer and deletes the customer record. |
RemoveCustomerAddress | Removes the supplied Address. |
RemoveCustomerPaymentInstrument | Permanently removes the specified PaymentInstrument from the customer's profile. |
ResetCustomerPassword | Generates a random Password and assigns it to the supplied Customer. |
ResetCustomerPasswordWithToken | Set the password of the specified customer to the specified value. |
SetCustomerPassword | Assign the specified Password to the specified Customer profile, validates old password if verifyOldPassword flag is true while assigning password and the pipelet exits with an ERROR if the old Password is not valid. |
ValidateResetPasswordToken | Validate that the passed token created by a previous call to GenerateResetPasswordToken is valid. |
Customer (deprecated)
Name | Description |
CreateCustomerProfile | Deprecated. |
GetCustomerProfile | Deprecated. |
Name | Description |
CreateCustomObject | Creates a CustomObject with the ID specified by the value of Key. |
RemoveCustomObject | This pipelet removes the specified CustomObject. |
SearchCustomObject | This pipelet searches for the custom object instances of the specified type. |
Name | Description |
AcceptForm | Causes the values contained in form to be transfered to the object that is bound to the Form. |
ClearFormElement | Clears the value in the specified FormElement. |
InvalidateFormElement | Invalidates the specified FormElement. |
SetFormOptions | Clears the FormField's options, and then sets the options from a map of name/value pairs contained in Options input parameter. |
UpdateFormWithObject | Updates the specified Form with the corresponding property values contained in Object. |
UpdateObjectWithForm | Updates the specified Object with the corresponding property values contained in the specified Form. |
Name | Description |
ExportABTests | |
ExportCatalog | Exports selective information in the specified Catalog. |
ExportContent | Exports the specified Folders in the specified content Library. |
ExportCouponCodes | Exports the codes of a specified Coupon. |
ExportCoupons | Exports xml representations of coupons. |
ExportCustomerGroups | Exports the customer groups. |
ExportCustomerList | Exports selective information in the specified customer list. |
ExportCustomers | Exports the customer Profiles contained in Customers.Note: this pipelet allows access to sensitive personal data and security-related information. |
ExportCustomObjects | Exports the specified CustomObjects. |
ExportGiftCertificates | Exports Gift Certificates. |
ExportInventoryLists | Exports the specified InventoryLists. |
ExportMetaData | Exports the system metadata according to the input parameters. |
ExportOrders | Exports the specified orders, with optional encryption of payment information (credit card or bank account). |
ExportPriceBooks | Exports the specified PriceBooks. |
ExportProductLists | Exports the product lists contained in ProductLists |
ExportPromotions | Exports promotions. |
ExportShippingMethods | Exports the specified ShippingMethods. |
ExportSlots | Exports content slots. |
ExportSourceCodes | Exports the specified SourcCodeGroups. |
ExportStores | Exports the specified Stores. |
ExportTaxTable | Exports all tax classes, tax jurisdictions and tax rates of the current site. |
ImportABTests | Imports AB tests from the given ImportFile in the specified mode. |
ImportActiveData | Imports Active Data from the given ImportFile. |
ImportCatalog | Imports the catalog data specified by ImportFile into the system in the specified mode.The result of the import operation is represented by the Status output property. |
ImportContent | Imports the data specified by ImportFile into the specified Library in the specified mode. |
ImportCoupons | Imports Coupons from the given ImportFile in the specified mode. |
ImportCustomerGroups | Imports the customer groups in the specified mode. |
ImportCustomerList | Imports the customer list contained in ImportFile in the specified mode. |
ImportCustomers | Imports the customers contained in ImportFile in the specified mode. |
ImportCustomObjects | Imports the custom object data contained in ImportFile in the specified mode. |
ImportGiftCertificates | Import the Gift Certificates contained in ImportFile in the specified mode. |
ImportInventoryLists | Imports Inventory Lists from the given ImportFile in the specified mode. |
ImportPriceBooks | Imports the price data contained in ImportFile in the specified mode. |
ImportProductLists | Imports the product lists contained in ImportFile in the specified mode. |
ImportPromotions | Imports Campaigns and Promotions from the given ImportFile in the specified mode. |
ImportShippingMethods | Imports Shipping Methods from the given ImportFile in the specified mode. |
ImportSlots | Imports content slot configurations from the given ImportFile in the specified mode. |
ImportSourceCodes | Imports Source-Code Groups from the given ImportFile in the specified mode. |
ImportStores | Imports Stores from the given ImportFile in the specified mode. |
ImportTaxTable | Imports Tax Classes, Tax Jurisdictions and Tax Rates from the given ImportFile in the specified mode. |
ValidateActiveDataFile | Validates the given active data CSV file and returns a status reporting the results of the validation. |
ValidateXMLFile | Validates the given xml file against the given xsd schema definition and returns a status reporting the results of the validation. |
ImpEx (deprecated)
Name | Description |
ExportPriceAdjustmentLimits | Deprecated. |
ImportPriceAdjustmentLimits | Deprecated. |
Name | Description |
RunJobNow | Run the job specified by JobName for the current organization. |
Name | Description |
CancelOrder | This pipelet cancels a previously created order. |
CreateGiftCertificate | CreateGiftCertificate attempts to create a GiftCertificate using the required and optional input parameters. |
CreateOrder | This pipelet creates and places an Order from the specified Basket. |
CreateOrder2 | This pipelet creates an Order based on the specified Basket. |
CreateOrderNo | Return the next available sequential order number. |
GetGiftCertificate | Retrieves the gift certificate instance identified by given ID (gift certificate code). |
GetOrder | Finds the Order for the given order document number specified by OrderNo. |
PlaceOrder | This pipelet places an order after payment has been authorized. |
RedeemGiftCertificate | Attempts to redeem an amount from a GiftCertificate. |
ReserveInventoryForOrder | This pipelet is used in the order creation pipeline to reserve inventory for all products contained in the specified Basket. |
Order (deprecated)
Name | Description |
FailOrder | Deprecated. |
Order Center
Name | Description |
CreateShippingOrders | This pipelet creates ShippingOrders for Orders with OPEN items and is usually used within a job.The selection of orders fed into the process can be controlled by providing an QueryString parameter. |
ReturnImport | This pipelet processes a return import file and results in returns being updated and / or created. |
UpdateShippingOrders | This pipelet processes a shipping order update import file and results in shipping orders and the orders to which they belong being updated. |
Name | Description |
GetPaymentProcessor | Returns the PaymentProcessor identified by the specified ID. |
Name | Description |
AddGiftCertificateToProductList | Add a ProductListItem of type GIFT_CERTIFICATE to the ProductList. |
AddProductToProductList | Add a ProductListItem of type PRODUCT to the ProductList, which is associated with the specified Product. |
CreateProductList | Create and return a ProductList of the specified Type, which is owned by the specified Customer. |
CreateProductListRegistrant | Creates a ProductListRegistrant that is associated with the specified ProductList. |
GetProductList | Return a ProductList as specified by the input parameters. |
GetProductLists | Returns all ProductLists owned by the specified Customer, which are of the specified Type. |
RemoveProductList | Removes the specified ProductList from the system. |
RemoveProductListItem | Removes the specified ProductListItem from its parent ProductList. |
SearchProductLists | Searches for ProductLists matching the specified input parameters. |
Replication (deprecated)
Name | Description |
GetReplicationStatus | Deprecated. |
TriggerReplication | Deprecated. |
Name | Description |
Script | This pipelet executes a Commerce Cloud Digital script. |
Name | Description |
GetSearchSuggestions | This pipelines runs a (partial) user query phrase against the product suggestion index and retrieves useful completions for that search phrase. |
Search | This pipelet executes either a product or content search, as specified by the configuration parameters, and returns a corresponding ProductSearchModel or ContentSearchModel. |
SearchRedirectURL | Checks whether a search redirect matches the provided search phrase. |
SearchSystemObject | This pipelet searches for system object instances. |
UpdateSearchIndex | This pipelet updates search indexes for all sites and allowed locales of your organization. |
Name | Description |
SendGoogleSiteMap | This pipelet reads a given Google site map from the file specified by FileName, and copies it into the request output stream. |
Name | Description |
SetSourceCode | Applies the specified source-code to the current basket and session. |
SourceCodeRedirectURL | Retrieves the redirect information from the last processed SourceCodeGroup (active or inactive). |
Name | Description |
GetNearestStores | This pipelet gets the list of stores, for the current site, that are within a configured distance of a location on the earth. |
Name | Description |
InvalidateWebCache | Invalidates web page cache and/or static content cache (images, styles, etc.) of the specified site, the current site or of all sites. |
RedirectURL | The pipelet translates a URL, which is typically a legacy URL from an existing site, to a new URL suitable for a redirect. |
SetRequestLocale | Sets the given locale for the current request. |
SetSessionCurrency | The pipelet sets the currency property of the user session. |
VeriSign (deprecated)
Name | Description |
VSAuthorizeCreditCard | Deprecated. |