Class CategoryAssignment
Represents a category assignment in Commerce Cloud Digital.
calloutMsg  :  MarkupText  (Read Only)
The category assignment's callout message in the current locale.
category  :  Category  (Read Only)
The category to which this category assignment is bound.
image  :  MediaFile  (Read Only)
The category assignment's image.
longDescription  :  MarkupText  (Read Only)
The category assignment's long description in the current locale.
name  :  String  (Read Only)
The name of the category assignment in the current locale.
product  :  Product  (Read Only)
The product to which this category assignment is bound.
shortDescription  :  MarkupText  (Read Only)
The category assignment's short description in the current locale.
Constructor Summary
This class does not have a constructor, so you cannot create it directly.
Method Summary
getCalloutMsg() : MarkupText
Returns the category assignment's callout message in the current locale.
getCategory() : Category
Returns the category to which this category assignment is bound.
getImage() : MediaFile
Returns the category assignment's image.
getLongDescription() : MarkupText
Returns the category assignment's long description in the current locale.
getName() : String
Returns the name of the category assignment in the current locale.
getProduct() : Product
Returns the product to which this category assignment is bound.
getShortDescription() : MarkupText
Returns the category assignment's short description in the current locale.
Methods inherited from class ExtensibleObject
Methods inherited from class PersistentObject
Method Detail
getCalloutMsg() : MarkupText
Returns the category assignment's callout message in the current locale.
the category assignment's callout message in the current locale, or null if it wasn't found.

getCategory() : Category
Returns the category to which this category assignment is bound.
The category to which this category assignment is bound.

getImage() : MediaFile
Returns the category assignment's image.
the category assignment's image.

getLongDescription() : MarkupText
Returns the category assignment's long description in the current locale.
The category assignment's long description in the current locale, or null if it wasn't found.

getName() : String
Returns the name of the category assignment in the current locale.
The name of the category assignment for the current locale, or null if it wasn't found.

getProduct() : Product
Returns the product to which this category assignment is bound.
The product to which this category assignment is bound.

getShortDescription() : MarkupText
Returns the category assignment's short description in the current locale.
the category assignment's short description in the current locale, or null if it wasn't found.