Create a Customer Group

You can create and edit customer groups and assign customers to them for marketing.

  1. Select site > Merchant Tools > Customers > Customer Groups.
  2. On the Customer Groups page, you can create or edit customer groups.

    The grid shows the ID, description, type, and number of customers for static groups.

    You can right-click links on this grid to perform standard actions such as opening the selection in a new tab or window.
    1. Click the filter icon and select the filter type.
    2. To sort by fields, click the ID or Description column headers.
  3. To create a customer group:
    1. On the Customer Groups page, click New.
    2. On the Create New Customer Group window, enter the ID and description, for example, USA_CA_Customers.
      When created, this field is read-only.
    3. Select a type from one of the following:
      • Static: Merchant-defined. Manually assign customers to these groups either in Business Manager or via Import.
      • Dynamic: Merchant-defined. Using customer data, group membership rules dictate which customers belong to the group and which don't. You can't assign customers to these groups explicitly.

      System types are predefined Salesforce B2C Commerce groups. Customers are automatically assigned to these groups. These groups can't be edited or deleted. They include the following:

      • Everyone: All customers of the site, both unregistered and registered)
      • Registered: All registered customers of the site
      • Unregistered: All unregistered customers of the site
    4. Click Save.
    5. For dynamic customer groups, see Creating a Dynamic Customer Group.
    6. For static customer groups, continue with these instructions.
  4. To edit a static customer group:
    1. On the Customer Groups page, click the customer group ID.
    2. On the Edit Customer Group - customergroup page, General tab, you can enter or edit a description.
    3. Click the Members tab.
      If customers are already assigned, the customer number, last and first name, login ID, email address, and enabled/disabled show in a grid format.
    4. Search for customers who are already members by login ID.
      Note: When you disable elastic search in Business Manager, you can search for customers by last name and by login ID.
    5. Click the filter icon.

      Filter by Customer Number, Last Name, First Name, Email, or Enabled.

      Enter the filter details, for example, the specific last name you are searching for. The filters also work for substrings, for example, a search for the first name Mar finds Maria, Martin, and Martha.

    6. Click Assign to assign customers.
      If no customers are assigned to the group, the link Assign members to this customers group link appears beneath the empty grid (showing grid headers only).
    7. On the Assign Customers window, you can search for or filter as described previously.

      This window enables you to see customer details and if the customer is enabled.

    8. Select the customers you want to add to the group and click Assign.
      The Edit Customer Group - customergroup page opens, showing the customers you have assigned to the customer group.
    9. To unassign members, select one or more members on the Edit Customer Group page and click Unassign. You can also click the Unassign icon at the end of each row.
    10. Click Save.
  5. You can preview products based on customer groups.
  6. You can assign a customer group to a campaign or an A/B Test.
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