Data Validation
Validation of the XML import file against the Salesforce B2C Commerce schema is automatic if you import a file manually through Business Manager. If you create a custom pipeline to import the file, you must include the ValidateXML pipelet for the XML import file to be validated.
If you import a file manually through Business Manager, validation of the XML import file against the Salesforce B2C Commerce schema is automatic. If you create a custom pipeline to import the file, you must include the ValidateXML pipelet for the XML import file to be validated.
Most B2C Commerce schemas specify all the elements in the schema as optional. This approach lets you include only the elements you want in each feed. However, no data validation is done to make sure that elements that depend upon each other exist, with a few exceptions.
For example, if you import products and category assignments and the categories referred to in the assignments don't exist, the category assignments are ignored and reported to the log.