Merchandising Your Site

As a merchant responsible for ecommerce at your organization, you have a depth of experience in your industry and brand that you can apply to your storefront. Salesforce B2C Commerce lets you control most of the configuration of your site directly through Business Manager.

Use these links to find more information on the main functional areas that are used by online marketers or merchandisers in configuring the storefront.

Catalogs, Categories, and Products Create image, product, category, and catalog data for your storefront.
Content Assets Add or remove content assets for your storefront. Content assets are the images and non-product pages for your storefront.
Campaigns and Promotions Create campaigns and promotions to target specific customers and increase sales. Campaigns and promotions tie together images and discounts for your site storefront.
Content Slots Configure content slots to show images or text on a scheduled or permanent basis. Content slots are the areas of your site dedicated to specific content assets. For example, you can have a content slot on all category pages that is dedicated to featured products in that category..
Commerce Cloud Einstein Configure artificial intelligence-powered tools for product recommendations and predictive sort, which enable you to customize and sort search results based on shopper interest data.
Gift Certificates Issue or view reports on gift certificates.
Customers Identify customer groups to which you can target campaigns and promotions.
Search Configure your storefront category navigation. Create and troubleshoot the keyword search for your storefront. Optimize your position in the search rankings of major search engines, such as Google or Yahoo.
SEO Configure search engine optimization settings to optimize your site. Configure sitemaps settings to optimize your site for the organic (unpaid) results of external search engines.
Ordering Configure payment processors, payment methods, shipping methods, and basket persistence options.
Store Locations Load and test store geolocation zip code data for store location functionality
Analytics Determine how customers are using your storefront and analyze traffic patterns, customer purchases, and other reports.
Active Merchandising Determine product trends and profitability.
A/B Testing Determine the best promotional and storefront layout strategies.

The first priority in merchandising your site is creating a catalog and category structure. Deciding this requires strategic thinking about the navigation of your storefront, along with other considerations. When your category structure is in place, you can configure your products. For information about building your category structure, see Building Your Site Structure.

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