Contribute to SFRA

Fix or report a bug or contribute to the SFRA cartridges.

Reporting a Bug or Requesting a Change

If you find a bug, let us know by entering the bug for the Storefront Reference Architecture repository.

Fixing Bugs and Contributing to the Cartridge

Do you have some extra time and want to contribute? This section talks about the process of working on issues or adding functionality.

Downloading and developing

  1. Fork the Storefront Reference Architecture repository.
  2. Clone your fork to your local machine.
  3. Set your Git upstream to the Storefront Reference Architecture repository.
  4. Create a branch and add your code.

Testing locally

  1. Make sure to run eslint to lint your code before committing. If you want to contribute regularly, consider adding a Git hook to automatically lint your code before you commit.
  2. Run the automation tests locally.

Submitting a pull request

  1. Push your changes.
  2. Submit the pull request to the main branch.
  3. Give read access permission for your fork to the Jenkins account and the testing team. See following section.
  4. Check whether the pull request has passed the automated testing.

Giving read access permission for your fork

  1. In GitHub, go to the page for your fork.
  2. In the left sidebar, click Settings.
  3. Click User and group access.
  4. Grant read access to the following users: sg-jenkins.

What happens after you submit a pull request?

B2C Commerce Engineering reviews your pull request to determine if it's something we can pull into the code. If the change isn't accepted, the request is declined with a comment. If the change is accepted and passes all tests, the change is merged into the SFRA main branch.

Note: If further changes are needed before the pull request to be accepted, Engineering leaves a comment on the pull request.

Contacting the team about a pull request

If you have a question about the status of a pull request, contact Engineering by adding a comment to the pull request.

Making a change to a pull request

If your pull request fails tests, you can troubleshoot the problem and change the pull request. You can test failures, but to be able to debug, you must request Engineering to send you the log from the test failures. When you have committed your changes, rebase and remove the extra commit message.

git commit -a -m "Update1" 
git rebase -i HEAD~2 git push origin branchname --force
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