(static) Base/Stores-Find()
Stores-Find : This endpoint is used to load the Find Stores page
Type | Description |
middleware |
server.middleware.https |
middleware |
cache.applyDefaultCache |
middleware |
consentTracking |
querystringparameter |
radius - The radius that the shopper selected to refine the search |
querystringparameter |
postalCode - The postal code that the shopper used to search |
querystringparameter |
lat - The latitude of the shopper position |
querystringparameter |
long - The longitude of the shopper position |
querystringparameter |
showMap - A flag indicating whether or not map is to be shown |
querystringparameter |
horizontalView - Boolean value to show map in Horizontal View |
querystringparameter |
isForm - Boolean value to show (or not) the form to Find Stores |
category |
non-sensitive |
serverfunction |
get |
(static) Base/Stores-FindStores()
Stores-FindStores : The Stores-FindStores endpoint returns a list of stores that meet the searching criteria
Type | Description |
querystringparameter |
radius - The radius that the shopper selected to refine the search |
querystringparameter |
postalCode - The postal code that the shopper used to search |
querystringparameter |
lat - The latitude of the shopper position |
querystringparameter |
long - The longitude of the shopper position |
querystringparameter |
showMap - A flag indicating whether or not map is to be shown |
category |
non-sensitive |
returns |
json |
serverfunction |
get |