Using Site Import/Export to Copy Instances

You can use site import and export to populate a new sandbox instance with data from an existing instance.

You can use Site Import/Export to export SiteGenesis from one instance and then import it into a sandbox. You can then view the site as you customize the code or change configuration settings. Even if you don't intend to use most of the pages in SiteGenesis, you can export the site configuration settings so that you don't have to set them all manually. It's now possible to export portions of site-specific data, such as job schedules, through Site Import/Export. However, this data can only be imported into a site with the same name on another instance, not into a different site on the same instance.

Note: Scheduled execution of custom jobs is disabled for sandboxes. If you export a production or staging instance and import it into a sandbox, you can prevent accidentally running jobs that affect staging or production systems. However, you can run jobs manually on sandboxes. We recommend caution if you haven’t examined the job configuration to make sure it doesn't affect other instances.

To Export a Site:

  1. Log in to Business Manager with an account that has import/export privileges for the site. Administrators can check account privileges by selecting Administration > Organization > Roles and Permissions.
  2. Select Administration > Site Development > Site Import & Export.
  3. In the Export field, enter a name for your export file.

    Enter a name, not a path. We recommend that you use the following syntax:


    For example: 20120103-Full-12.1

  4. Select the data you want to export. If you are exporting SiteGenesis, select all data except users, so that you don't overwrite the users and permissions in the sandboxes.
    1. Under Data Units to Export, select all categories except Global data of Sites.
    2. Under Global data of Sites, select all categories except Users and Access Roles.
      Note: If you don't deselect the categories described, you can overwrite the users and permissions of the target site with those of the site you exported from.
  5. In the Export field, click Export.
  6. Log out of the instance and log in to the instance where you want to import the data.

Troubleshooting Export

If an instance export or backup fails for any reason, the system generates a .zip file, but appends the suffix "-invalid" to the filename. We recommend that you establish a mechanism to detect when an invalid file is produced.

To Import a Site:

To import a site, first upload the .zip file onto Salesforce B2C Commerce and then import it into the instance database.

  1. Log in to Business Manager with an account that has import and export privileges for the site. Administrators can check account privileges by selecting Administration > Organization > Roles and Permissions.
  2. Select Administration > Site Development > Site Import & Export.
  3. In the Import section, select where you are importing the site from.
    • Local: upload the site .zip file from your local machine.
    • Remote: upload the site .zip file from a remote networked machine.
  4. Click Browse, select the site zip file you want to upload, and click Open.

    The name of the .zip file appears in the grid when it's successfully uploaded.

  5. In the Select column, select the .zip file and click Import.
  6. B2C Commerce asks you if you want to import the selected archive. Click OK.

Troubleshooting Import

Navigate to the Status section of the page, where the import process appears with the status. If the site has imported successfully, the status is set to Success. Otherwise, the status indicates if there are errors. Click the process link to see a log with information on any errors.