Commerce Cloud Einstein Do-Not-Track Impact

When shoppers don’t consent to tracking, how Einstein functionality is affected can vary, depending on the feature.

Note: Overall functionality impact relates to the number of shoppers who opt out of tracking.

This table describes the impact to using do-not-track (DNT) cookies for Einstein product recommendations.

Recommender Strategies



Recent top selling


You can still serve recommendations to the shopper, but the shopper’s purchase activity isn’t used to improve strategy recommendations.

Shoppers who viewed also viewed


You can still serve recommendations to the shopper, but the shopper’s activity isn’t used to improve strategy recommendations.

Shoppers who viewed ultimately bought


You can still serve recommendations to the shopper, but the shopper’s activity isn’t used to improve strategy recommendations.

Shoppers who bought also bought


You can still serve recommendations to the shopper, but the shopper’s activity isn’t used to improve strategy recommendations.

Product affinity algorithm


You can still serve recommendations to the shopper, but the shopper’s activity isn’t used to improve strategy recommendations.

Recent most viewed


You can still serve recommendations to the shopper, but the shopper’s activity isn’t used to improve strategy recommendations.
Complete the Set Works Complete the Set recommendations function as expected. Do-not-track cookies have no impact on Complete the Set recommendations, because they aren't personalized to individual shopper activities.

Recently viewed

Doesn’t work

Do-Not-Track disables activity tracking, so you can’t follow a shopper’s recently viewed activity.

Real-time personalized

Doesn’t work

Do-Not-Track disables activity tracking, so you can’t follow a shopper's behavior and personalize recommendations.

This table describes the general impact for Einstein Commerce Insights and Einstein Search Dictionaries.

Einstein Commerce Insights Einstein Commerce Insights still displays results, excluding the data of shoppers who have opted out.
Einstein Search Dictionaries Einstein Search Dictionaries continues to work. Search queries from a Do-Not-Track shopper aren’t used to suggest recommendations.

This table describes the impact to using DNT cookies for Einstein Predictive Sort.

Note: When shoppers don’t consent to tracking, a Predictive Sort score isn’t calculated.




Predictive Sort as only Attribute

Doesn’t work

If a merchant uses only Predictive Sort as a sorting rule, the fallback sorting order is equivalent to product indexing order in the search index. The same sorting order occurs when there are no sorting rules on a page.

Predictive Sort as one of several attributes in the sorting rule


The Predictive Sort attribute is effectively ignored.

Predictive Sort as part of a Dynamic Attribute


The calculation occurs as normal but the Predictive Sort score is omitted.


To mitigate do-not-track risks for Predictive Sort, best practice is to include Predictive Sort in an existing dynamic sorting rule. This method includes the sorting rule as a combination of different attributes.

For example, the sorting rule is weighted with data. For example, this data can include text relevancy on keyword search results pages, or active data on category grid pages.

This table describes the impact to using DNT cookies for Einstein Search Recommendations.

Type of Recommendation



Popular searches


You can still serve recommendations to the shopper, but the shopper’s activity isn’t used to improve strategy recommendations.

Recent searches

Doesn’t work

Do-Not-Track disables activity tracking, so you can’t follow a shopper’s recently viewed activity.

Suggested searches

Doesn’t work

Depends on recent searches.

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