Source Codes Example

A source code is typically provided by the customer via a redirect link found on an affiliate website.

For example, a customer clicks your add on a general retail site, containing a source code; and they are redirected to a specific page on your site.

such as, and they are redirected to your site you are on a general retail site sucjUsing source codes, you can direct customers to specialized landing pages, featured product detail pages, category lists, and URLs.

The following example explains how to use and test source codes with the SiteGenesis application.

  1. Create a promotion.
    1. Select site > Merchant Tools > Online Marketing >Promotion.
    2. Click New.
    3. Select a language and click Apply.
    4. Enter the ID (sourcecode), name (Source code test), enable it, set to searchable, and set exclusivity to NO (can be combined with any promotion).
    5. Click Apply.
    6. Scroll down and specify the promotion class: Product : Without Qualifying Products.
    7. Specify Discount: 50 > Amount Off.
    8. Discounted Products: ID=008884303989.
    9. Click Save.
    10. Click Apply.
  2. Create a campaign and assign the promotion to it.
    1. Select site > Merchant Tools > Online Marketing > Campaigns.
    2. Click New and create a new campaign (Affiliates).
    3. Enable the campaign.
    4. Click Add Experience and Add Promotion.
    5. Locate and select sourcecode.
    6. Click Apply.
  3. Configure a source code group.
    1. Select site > Merchant Tools > Online Marketing > Source Code Groups.
    2. Click New.
    3. Enter ID (scgroup2) click Apply.
    4. Click the Code tab, enter a code in the Source Code specification: SCT[1..10].
    5. Click the Redirects tab. Under Active, select Product and enter the discounted product ID (008884303989)
    6. Click Apply.
  4. Specify the distributor.
    1. Select site > Merchant Tools > SEO > Dynamic Mapping. Create a distributor name.
    2. Enter the following: /TANDIST/* p,,,SourceCodeRedirect-Start,,src,{0}. This is the distributor.
    3. Click Save.
  5. Change the URL in the SiteGenesis application so that you can see how the source code works.
    1. Open the SiteGenesis application in your browser.
    2. Navigate to Womens > Tops.

      The URL will look like this:
    3. In the URL, remove everything after SiteGenesis.

      The URL will look like this:
    4. Add the distributor's name and the source code to the URL.

      The URL will look like this:
    5. Click Enter.

      You will be redirected to the following page:
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