Create Price Books and Price Tables

Use Business Manager to define price books and product prices. You must have products already defined when you create price books and price tables.

  1. Select site > Merchant Tools > Products and Catalogs > Price Books.

    If you see unavailable fields, you have read-only permission. You can search for price book data and view details. You can't modify, delete, or create price books. If you have mixed permission to access one module (via different roles), the higher-level access is granted. See your administrator if you require write access.

    For read-only access, the role still needs the functional permissions, either Manage_PriceBooks (for all price books globally) or Manage_Site_PriceBooks.
  2. On the Price Books page, click New or select a price book (if editing an existing price book).

    The tab opens.

  3. On the General tab, enter general information and click Apply.
    For example, you have a product price book defined as List Prices. This price book contains all the retail prices for all products on the site. You also want to offer seasonal sale prices for winter clothing accessories. You create a second price book Winter Accessory Sale. Instead of specifying prices for all products again, specify only the sale prices for only those products you want to put on sale. Then base this Winter Accessory Sale price book on the List Prices price book. During price lookup, any prices needed that are not in the Winter Accessory Sale price book are looked for in the List Prices price book. Because you’ve defined a relationship between the two price books, only the Winter Accessory Sale price book must be in effect.
    When creating a price book, the other tabs become active.
  4. On the Attributes tab, specify any custom attributes that you have created for PriceBook system object and click Apply.
  5. On the Site Assignments tab, select one or more sites and click Apply.
    You can assign a price book to more than one site at a time. And you can assign more than one price book to a site as long as the currencies are the same. (Starting in 14.2, if the multi-currency feature is enabled, you can assign price books to a site as long as the currencies are part of the site's allowed currencies.)
  6. On the Price Definitions tab, specify prices for products to be included in the price book.
    You can't edit prices in read-only price books using this function. To change prices in read-only price books, we recommend editing the source XML and importing the updated price books. You can also create a price book with just the product's updated price.
  7. In the search box, enter the products you want to add to the price book and click Find.
    • You can specify an entire string, or a string with a mask, to search for products you want to include in the price book. For example, PN3* returns all the products whose IDs begin with "PN3". Make sure you specify at least three characters in addition to the mask.
    • Use the radio buttons below the search box to further refine your search criteria. You can search through all products defined for the organization, already defined in the current price book, or not defined in the current price book.
    • When creating a price book, it's best to search on all products.
    The Price Definitions tab lists the products you specified in the filter.
  8. Specify prices in price tables.
    1. Enter the price for a single item.
    2. Click Apply or press Enter.
      Each product for which you entered a quantity-one price now has a white row beneath the gray header row. This row represents a price table. A price table consists of one or more quantities and corresponding prices (tiers), and also a time period for which those prices are valid. By default, all price tables have a valid period of continuous.
    3. Enter a description of the price table into the Price Info field.
    4. Click Continuous to set activation dates for a price table.
    5. On the Define Price Activation Dates window, click Add Price Table to add a price table for a new time period.
      Each price table defines prices for that product. Each product must have a price defined for a quantity of one (1) in some price book that is active for the site. Computed prices are computed from this price. If there is no price for a quantity of one, Salesforce B2C Commerce returns NA. A price table can also be volume-based so that lower prices apply for higher quantities.
      You can create multiple price tables for a given SKU in a price book. Each price table must have a unique start date, where null (or an empty field) is a valid start date representing a continuous price. At any given time, at most one price table for a given SKU is active within a price book. A price table is active if the current time falls within its start and end dates, and its start date is the most current of all tables with this property.
  9. Proceed down the list on the page, specifying prices for each product, for a quantity of one.
  10. When you reach the end of the page, click Apply.
    • The price is reflected in the currency you defined for the price book.
    • Another empty row appears in the price table. You can enter another quantity and corresponding price. Each time you click Apply, another empty row appears in the price table for each product.
      Note: Always click Apply for each page of prices defined. If you navigate to another page before clicking Apply, B2C Commerce doesn’t save the prices.
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