Making a Custom Attribute Editable or Uneditable

You can have a custom attribute that is fed directly into Salesforce B2C Commerce from a backend system-of-record.

You can set the externally-managed flag to indicate to Business Manager users that they shouldn't edit these attribute directly. Such an attribute is considered externally managed, because the attribute values are set in an external system. If the feed for an uneditable attribute contains an incorrect value, you can fix the value by deselecting the Externally Managed option and manually fixing it. When the value is fixed, reselect the Externally Managed option.
  1. Select Administration > Site Development > Custom Object Types | System Object Types .

    The Custom Object Type List page opens or the System Object Type List page opens.

  2. Click the name of the object with the attribute that you want to restrict access to.

    The Custom Object Types > (custom object) page appears or the System Object Types > (system object) page opens.

  3. Click the Attribute Definitions tab.
  4. Click the name of the attribute to restrict access to.
    You can't restrict access to system attributes, only custom attributes.
  5. Select the Externally Managed box.
  6. Click Apply.
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