Upload Cartridges

You can configure a server project to automatically upload cartridges whenever their code is changed. You can also manually upload cartridges to the server. A cartridge can be associated with multiple server projects, and a server project can be associated with multiple cartridges.

To configure a server project in Studio to automatically upload cartridges, right-click it in the Navigator view, and select Digital Server > Auto-Upload. To upload cartridges manually, follow these steps.
Note: Cartridge and server configurations do not affect manual uploads. Be careful not to upload a cartridge to the wrong server project.
Note: The name of the directory that contains the cartridges can have no more than 50 characters.
  1. In the Navigator view, right-click the server project and select Properties.
  2. In the right pane of the Properties dialog, select Project References.
  3. In the left pane, select the cartridges to upload.
  4. Click OK.
  5. On the menu bar, click .
  6. Click Upload cartridges.
  7. On the Update Server Password dialog, enter the connection settings and click OK.
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