Add isobject Tags

Embed the <isobject> tag in ISML templates to collect active data from customer storefront activity. This tag can appear any number of times in the same page, with no limit, but the tag must be placed where <script> tags are valid.

If the same product appears in multiple tags in the same page, for the same type of count only the first one is counted. It's unnecessary to wrap all product representations that result from searches, but product representations that aren’t wrapped are excluded from analytics collection. It's unnecessary to wrap the HTML content for every representation of every product that appears in the site. For example, it isn't always appropriate to wrap products in pages that show the contents of the cart.

Set the <isobject> tag <view> attribute to one of the following values, or data isn’t be collected.

Value Collects Details

product views

Each HTML page containing an <isobject> tag with view="detail" counts as one product view for the product.

This value enables you to tag your site to collect hits on product information. The <isobject> tag must be placed so that it wraps the ISML that represents the product details on a product detail page.

Most sites use only one template to render product information on a product detail page. You can also tag templates that render a Quick view or show the products in a set.

The tag results in an increment of the number of product views for a product. There aren’t clear rules about the number or detail type required of a product for it to count as a view instead of an impression. To make the impressions and views metrics meaningful, the views and impressions attributes must not be used interchangeably. Consider requiring the storefront customer to initiate an action to get more information about a product to consider it as a view. This action can call a quick view, click to the product detail page, or click through a product set to see product details.

none Each HTML page containing an <isobject> tag with view="recommendations" counts as one product impression for the product. Collects search information for the storefront toolkit but doesn't count the object as a product hit for active merchandising. For example, you might want to use this for templates where no search hits are found. This attribute can be used to collect information for the Storefront Toolkit Search Information Tool even if active merchandising isn't enabled for the instance. The passed object attribute is an instance product search model object. For example,
<isobject object="${ProductSearchModel}" view="none">

product impressions

Each HTML page containing an <isobject> tag with view="recommendations" counts as one product impression for the product.

This value enables you to tag your site to collect product recommendations hits. The <isobject> tag must be placed so that it wraps the ISML that represents each product recommended to the storefront customer.

Each template must wrap its recommended products in this tag, or those products are excluded from analytics collection.

A site can have multiple templates that render recommendations: home page, landing pages, product detail pages, and in slots, search results, order confirmations, and cart views. If your site uses many different templates to render recommendations, create a common template that renders the product information included by these templates. Then add the <isobject> tag there. You can also place the recommendation type in the pipeline dictionary or make it a module attribute.

The <isobject> tag increments the number of product impressions for a specified product. The tag also tracks that the product was recommended to the customer as part of the visit. The fact that it was recommended stays in effect until the customer ends the visit or completes the ordering process.

The same product can only count for one product impression per page using this method. If multiple tags specify the same product, it's only counted once.


product impressions

Each HTML page containing an <isobject> tag with view="setproduct" counts as one product impression for the product.

This value enables you to tag your site to collect hits on products that are part of a product set.

The <isobject> tag must be placed so that it wraps the ISML that represents each product that is part of a product set.

Most sites only have a few templates that render the product detail page for a product set. Each product set product detail page template must wrap each product in the set in this tag, or those products are excluded from analytics collection. As a best practice, don't include the tag unless the products in the set are represented on the page. For example, a product set is rendered in a slot among other recommended products. It isn't appropriate to add the tag for the products in the set that aren’t represented individually to the customer. When the set products are shown in greater detail, it's better to consider the product detail value.

The <isobject> tag increments the number of product impressions for a product. Even for a product with some representation on a page, if the page isn't intended to merchandise the product, no tag is needed. For example, a product set doesn't have its own image so the set product images appear instead. This lack of images alone isn't enough reason to tag the set products

The same product can only count for one product impression per page using this method. If multiple tags specify the same product, it's only counted once.


product impressions

Each HTML page containing an isobject tag with view="searchhit" counts as one product impression for the product.

This value enables you to tag your site to collect hits on search results.

The <isobject> tag must be placed so that it wraps the ISML for HTML components that represent the product: product name, image, callout, price, swatches, and other components.

Use the instance type of ProductHit in the tag's attribute, when view is of type searchhit. For example, ProductSearchHit

Most sites use only a single template to render products in search results. A site with different search result layouts for different categories can have multiple templates.

When someone other than a storefront customer performs a search, other view values can achieve more meaningful results. For example, a search is performed using the API to determine the products to show in a slot. The product detail or recommendation view types can be a better choice, depending on how much detail is shown for the product and the merchandising intent.

The <isobject> tag increments the number of product impressions for the wrapped product. The same product can only count for one product impression per page using this method. If multiple tags specify the same product, it is only counted once.

If you don't wrap a product representation in a template, the representation in that template doesn’t affect analytics data. You can place this tag anywhere an ISML template that contains a representation of a product with the intent of merchandising that product for sale. If a product representation is tagged but doesn't exactly match a view type listed previously, select the view type that best matches the intent.


<isobject object="${ProductSearchHit}" view="searchhit"><div class="image">...</div></isobject>
 <isobject object="${pdict.Product}" view="setproduct">
 <isinclude template="product/components/subproduct"/>
<isobject object="${product}" view="recommendation">
 <isproducttile product="${product}" showswatches="${true}" showpricing="${true}" ​showpromotion="${true}" showrating="${true}">

SiteGenesis and Examples

The following table shows examples of the <isobject> tag, and identifies the SiteGenesis templates that contain an example of the tag.

Tag example SiteGenesis template
<isobject object="${pdict.Product}" view="detail"> product/productdetails.isml
<isobject object="${pdict.Product}" view="setproduct">



<isobject object="${ProductSearchHit}" view="searchhit"> search/productgrid.isml
<isobject object="${product}" view="recommendation">
Note: This attribute does not currently aggregate data and is included for future development.