AbTest document (Data API 23.2)

The id of the A/B Test

Property Type Constraints Description
customer_groups [String]   The list of customer group ids assigned to the A/B Test. Defaults to 'Everyone' if not specified on create
description String maxLength=4000 The optional description of the A/B Test
email_addresses [String]   The optional list of email addresses to send A/B Test results
enabled Boolean   The flag representing the enabled state of the A/B Test. Defaults to false if not specified on create
end_date DateTime   The date that the A/B Test ends. Defaults to two weeks from creation date if both start and end dates are not specified on create
expiration_type Enum {session, never}   The participant expiration type of the A/B Test. Defaults to 'never' if not specified on create
id String maxLength=40, minLength=1 The id of the A/B Test
key_metric_id String maxLength=256 The key metric that is most important to the A/B Test, among the metrics collected. Defaults to 'Revenue' if not specified from test participant activity
link String   The URL to get the A/B test. This is a computed attribute and cannot be modified
paused Boolean   The flag representing the paused state of the A/B Test. Defaults to false if not specified on create
segment_count Integer   Segment count of A/B test. This is a computed attribute and cannot be modified
start_date DateTime   The date that the A/B Test begins. Defaults to a week from creation date if both start and end dates are not specified on create
status Enum {ended, planned, running}   Status of A/B test. This is a computed attribute and cannot be modified
tags [String]   The optional list of tags to group similar A/B Tests so that they can be searched easily.
test_groups [AbTestGroup]   Test Groups created for an A/B Test. This is a read only attribute for now.
test_segments [AbTestSegment]   Test Segments created for an A/B Test. This is a read only attribute for now
trigger AbTestTrigger   The trigger that allows the test participant to be considered for an A/B Test
X OCAPI versions 15.x and 16.x will be retired on March 31, 2021. For dates and more information, see the OCAPI versioning and deprecation policy and this Knowledge Article.
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