Add Existing Cartridges to Your Storefront

You can add cartridges provided by Salesforce or Link partners to your workspace.

If you want to import an Eclipse project, see Import Cartridges into Your Storefront.
  1. Place the cartridge in the folder where you want to access it. By default, Studio usually creates a projects\server_name\sources\cartridges folder for B2C Commerce cartridges.
  2. In UX Studio, click File > New > Cartridge > .

    The Cartridge dialog opens.

  3. In the Name field, enter the name of the cartridge.
  4. For the Location field, browse to the folder containing the cartridge. For example: C:\projects\CommerceCloudServer\sources\cartridges\mycartridge.
  5. In the Attach to B2C Commerce Servers field, select the server connection you want to use with this cartridge. Usually, you select the server connection for your storefront’s Sandbox.
  6. Click Finish.