Creating System Object Attribute Definitions

Extending system objects can help you gather more information from your customers, tailor your storefront site to show more information to the consumer, and enable you to process orders more efficiently, depending upon your back office needs.

Customize attribute definitions of some system objects to suit your individual site needs. For instance, you can add an additional attribute to the CustomerAddress system object to record an evening phone number.

In addition to adding a customized attribute, you can also choose how to group those attributes.

System objects can be stored globally, which makes the instances available to the entire organization and all sites, or local (per site). The system object type itself is always available to the entire organization.

Note: Custom attributes that have been marked as mandatory can't be updated with empty values in either Business Manager or import.
  1. Select Administration > Site Development > System Object Types.
  2. On the System Object Type List page, click the name of the object you want to edit.
  3. Click the Attribute Definitions tab.
  4. On the Attribute Definitions tab, click New to begin the definition process.
  5. On the Attribute Definition Details page, enter or select the following information:
    1. ID: enter a unique ID for the attribute. We recommend not using alphanumeric characters only for the ID.
      You can use the following special characters in the attribute ID: "+", "-", "$", ".", "%", "ยง", "&", "*", "#", "/".
    2. Display Name: enter a display name. This is the name shown in Business Manager and in the storefront.
    3. Value Type: select a data type. The data type changes the other configuration options for the attribute once you apply it.
    If you change the language or type, you must confirm the change before it's applied. Changing the language or type of an attribute causes existing values of that attribute to be lost.

    Click Apply. Additional fields appear depending on the data type you select.

  6. Add information for the fields required by the data type you selected and click Apply.
  7. Click << Back to see attribute you just created on the Attribute Definitions tab.
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