Salesforce B2C Commerce Image Storage

B2C Commerce supports three static content locations where images are stored.

Image Type Examples Location Subfolder Structure



Catalog product, category, option, and recommendation images

Within the catalog's own static content directory:

sites/Sites-Site/(Version Directory(0|1))/units/
(Your Catalog)/static/default/
Arbitrary Can be staged using the Replication Task "Replication Tasks > Sites > Catalogs > (Your Catalog)".
Non-catalog custom object, slot (type HTML), promotion, and store images

Within the organization ("Sites") static content directory:

sites/Sites-Site/(Version Directory(0|1))
Arbitrary Can be staged using the Replication Task "Replication Tasks > Sites > Static Content".
Content content assets

located within its own site-specific content library directory:

sites/Sites-(Your Site)-Site/(Version Directory (0|1))
/units/Sites-(Your Site)-Library/static/default/
Arbitrary Can be staged using the Replication Task "Replication Tasks > (Your Site) > Content Library".