Create A Tiered Discount

Tiered discounts let shoppers qualify for higher value discounts for each new threshold they reach.

You can create tiered discounts these types of promotions:


  • With amount of qualifying products
  • With number of qualifying products
  • Buy X / Get Y
  • Buy X for Total promotions


  • With amount of order merchandise total


  • With amount of shipment merchandise total
  • With number of qualifying products
Note: For the Buy X/Get Y discount, select Promotion requires the exact number of discounted products in order to apply.
  1. Select site > Merchant Tools > Online Marketing > Promotions.
  2. Click New.
  3. Enter or select the general promotion information and click Apply.
    The Promotion Rule section opens.
  4. Create your first discount and click Add.

    Another discount field string appears.

  5. Create a second discount, making sure to provide a unique threshold.
    For example, you can't create two tiered discounts that both trigger at $100.
  6. Click Apply.
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