Associate a Store with an Inventory List

You can offer customers the pick-up from store capability within your storefront.

You can offer customers the pick-up from store capability within your storefront.

In Salesforce B2C Commerce, use the order API to implement a pick-up-from-store scenario by associating a basket product line item with an inventory list. Use Business Manager to assign a store to an inventory list. Then programmatically retrieve an associated product inventory list from the Store object. See Inventory Management.

  1. Start by associating stores with inventory lists in Business Manager.
    1. Define your inventory lists. See Creating Inventory Records.
    2. Define your stores. See Creating Stores.
    3. Associate each store with an inventory list. See Creating Stores.
  2. Use the B2C Commerce API to add this functionality to your application.
    Option Description
    getInventoryList () Use to retrieve an associated product inventory list from the Store object. Returns the associated dw.catalog.ProductInventoryList object. From dw.catalog.Store.