Promotion Considerations

Keep certain considerations in mind as you implement promotions in your storefront application.

Requirements Phase

  • Review the SiteGenesis wireframe document with your developer and discuss the standard campaign and promotion implementation.
  • Identify the different types of promotions, such as conditions, discount types, and qualifiers, required for the solution. For each promotion type, note visualization requirements, including messaging requirements (marketing and legal), format (text, HTML, images, other), and message location in your storefront. Collect a sampling of current and desired promotions.
  • Capture promotion compatibility requirements.
  • Capture explicit retail math requirements related to promotions calculation and application, as well as how this information must be communicated to order management and other systems.
  • Identify promotions population, such as import or manual, during development and when the site is live.
  • If you plan to create promotions manually, identify:
    • Who will be responsible for creating them
    • If there will be a review process and who will review
    • Who will test promotions and how
    • Who will replicate promotion data, how, and when
    • Who will generate coupons (if applicable)
  • If you plan to import promotions, define the import process. If possible, implement it as a job within Salesforce B2C Commerce to take advantage of the scheduling and notification functionality built into the system.

Design Phase

  • Include promotional messaging in wireframe customization and development.
  • Provide for promotional messaging in multiple places within the storefront:
    • Homepage
    • Cart or Checkout pages
    • Category pages (Grid)
    • Product Detail pages or Quick view (if applicable)
    • Identify coupon error handling logic and messaging.

Build Phase

Build code to support your promotions requirements.

Development/Test Phase

  • Create users with permissions that are in line with merchant-defined business processes.
  • Create an initial set of test promotions. Include promotion types planned for use in the future, not just the promotions that go live initially.
  • Use a test plan to ensure that all end-to-end use cases are reviewed.
  • Test the import process (if applicable).
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