Create Custom Attributes for Active Merchandising

You can create custom attributes for the ProductActiveData or CustomerActiveData business objects. Attributes added to these business objects are not replicated between instances and can't be exported.

  1. Select Administration > Site Development > System Object Types.
  2. On the System Object Type List page, select ProductActiveData or CustomerActiveData.
  3. On the System Object Type List page, click the Attribute Definitions tab.
    If you have already created a custom attribute, you can find and add it, otherwise, proceed to the next step.
  4. On the System Object Type List page Attribute Definitions tab, click New.
  5. Enter the properties for the custom attribute and click Apply.
    These attributes are created identically to any other custom attributes. However, you can't create the following attribute types for active data: Password, Image, Text, Html, or Email.
    To see the attributes in Business Manager, you must add them to the active data tab for products.
  6. Click << Back.
  7. Click the Attribute Grouping tab.
  8. On the System Object Type List page Attribute Groupings tab, click Edit for the section on the active data tab where you want to add your attributes.
  9. To browse for your custom attribute click .... Check its checkbox and click Select.

To import values into these attributes, you must add them to an import feed definition and an associated active data feed file. See Defining Feeds as your next step.