Connect to Your Server

After you create your workspace, specify your server connection to your Salesforce B2C Commerce to upload code to your Sandbox or Staging instance. To simplify connection management, we recommend that you create only one server connection per workspace. Usually, the server you want to connect to the one for your assigned Sandbox instance.

  1. In Eclipse, click and select B2C Commerce Development.
  2. Click File > New > B2C Commerce Server Connection.
  3. For Project Name, enter your instance name (dev01), or accept the default (CommerceCloudServer).
  4. Accept Use default location.
    This is the location of your workspace. You can specify a different location, but the server connection must be inside the workspace. Otherwise, unexpected results can occur. We recommend that you accept the default workspace.
  5. For the host name, enter the fully qualified domain name (FQDN).

    Example: If you are connecting to your sandbox instance via a browser, the FQDN portion of the URL looks similar to:

  6. For the user name, enter a name that has Site Developer rights, such as admin. These rights are assigned in Business Manager. Contact your administrator for information about a user name and password.
  7. Enter the password (case sensitive).

    If you or someone else changes the password later in Business Manager, Studio detects the change and requires you to update the information in Studio.

  8. Select Remember Password. By default, this option is disabled.

    The B2C Commerce Server Connection password isn't saved locally. You are prompted to enter your password the first time you perform any operation that requires server interaction. The password is retained in memory only for the period of time configured in the UX Studio preferences in Eclipse. The default is 4 hours.

    If you stop and restart Studio and the password isn't remembered, you are prompted to update your configuration information the first time Studio tries to upload files to the server.

  9. For Use Certificate Authentication, which enables two-factor authentication on the server:
    • For Sandbox instances, do not select it. You are connecting to a Sandbox instance if your host name starts with dev.
    • For Staging instances, select this option and enter the location of the keystore file and its password. If the keystore file and password combination are correct, the keystore file is saved in the local server project directory. You are connecting to a Staging instance if your host name starts with staging.
      Note: Two-factor authentication must be enabled at the server for the Staging instance. Two-factor authentication is a basic security precaution. Code is directly uploaded only to Sandbox and Staging instances. For Development and Production instances, code is replicated from Staging.
  10. Click Yes.
  11. Select the target upload directory.

    For a new sandbox, this is always version1.

    The server uses the code version in the Active directory field. Select this version if you want your code changes to be visible in the storefront.

  12. Whether you click Next or Finish depends on whether you are creating storefront cartridge. If you are following the Developer Getting Started trail, you have not yet created a cartridge.
    • If you haven't yet created a cartridge, click Finish.
    • If you've already created a cartridge, click Next to associate the cartridge with the server.
      • Select the cartridges you want to associated with the server, and click Finish.

    If the Do you want to download the API source cartridges now? message appears, click Yes. These cartridges let you take advantage of new B2C Commerce features, providing a strong foundation for your ecommerce storefront.

  13. Click Yes.

    During the download, the log output scrolls in the Studio console. When the download is complete, the Cartridge Explorer view appears within Studio.

  14. Refresh the server connection and verify that the latest B2C Commerce API is downloaded to your Studio workspace.
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