SiteGenesis Locale and Multicurrency

The SiteGenesis EMEA site uses a country list in the header of the main page to set the language and currency for the site. The country is listed in each language that has a locale enabled for the site. For example, if both fr_BE and nl_BE are enabled locales, then Belgium is listed in both French and Dutch.

Note: The standard SiteGenesis site does not support multiple locales or currencies.

Selecting a country from the list switches the site locale and changes the currency.

A customer can change the country at any point when using the site, but only on the home page of the site. This behavior is intentional, to prevent the customer from changing the currency in the checkout process. However, if the customer clicks to the home page and changes the country, the price is shown in the new currency in the basket. Changing the country is supported by default only for the main page, but the country selector can be enabled for any page on the site.

Application Country Selector and Multicurrency

To add a locale to the SiteGenesis EMEA site:
  1. Select Administration > Global Preferences > Locales. Add the new locale.

    Alternatively, in the demo_data_no_hires_images folder that contains the demo data, edit the preferences.xml file ActiveLocales preference to include the new locale. Upload the change to the demo data.

  2. Select Administration > Site Preferences > Locales. Enable the locale.
  3. In the app_storefront_core cartridge, edit the countries.json file to include the information for the new locale.
Note: If you add a locale, you have to change code for it to be reflected on the site. If you remove a locale, you do not have to change code to have it reflected on the site. Simply disabling the locale in the site preferences removes it from the site.

The country selector only appears on the home page. This location prevents consumers from price-shopping by currency and makes it unnecessary to check the locale for each request. You enable the country selector on other pages using the showCountrySelector flag to true.

The implementation of the country selector:

  1. In the demo_data_no_hires_images folder, review:
    Folder File Description
    /sites/SiteGenesisEMEA preferences.xml Sets the ActiveLocales preference, which sets the locales used by the storefront. Change this preference to add a locale after configuring it in Business Manager. However, if you remove a locale in Business Manager, you do not have to remove it from the ActiveLocales preference.
  2. In the app_storefront_core cartridge, review the following SiteGenesis files for the country selector implementation:
    Folder File Description
    cartridge (at the top level) countries.json Maps countries to locales. If you are adding a locale, you must edit this file.
    scripts/util Countries.ds getCountries gets the countries to appear.
    scripts/util URL.ds Generates the current URL in the current locale.
    scripts/checkout countryselector.isml Template for the country selector. Requires the showCountrySelector flag to be set to true in the decorator template.
    content/home/pt_storefront pt_storefront.isml Sets
    pdict.showCountrySelector = true
    This flag adds the country selector to the page.
  3. In the app_storefront_core cartridge, review the following SiteGenesis files for multicurrency implementation:
    Folder File Description
    cartridge (at the top level) countries.json Maps countries to locales. If you are adding a locale, you must edit this file.
    scripts/util Countries.ds getCountries gets the countries to appear.
    scripts/util URL.ds Generates the current URL in the current locale.
    scripts/checkout countryselector.isml Template for the country selector. Requires the showCountrySelector flag to be set to true in the decorator template.
    content/home/pt_storefront pt_storefront.isml Sets
     pdict.showCountrySelector = true
    This flag adds the country selector to the page.
  4. In the app_storefront_core cartridge, review the following SiteGenesis files that implement multicurrency:
    Cartridge File
    pipelines Currency.xml
    scripts/checkout CalculatePaymentTransactionTotals.ds
    scripts/checkout CreateGiftCertificatePaymentInstrument.ds
    scripts/checkout PreCalculateShipping.ds
    scripts/checkout/storepickup InStoreShipments.ds
    scripts/giftcert CreateGiftCertificatePaymentInstrument.ds
    scripts/product ProductUtils.ds
    static/default/css style.css
    templates/default/checkout/billing billing.isml
    templates/default/checkout/shipping shippingmethods.isml
    templates/default/checkout/shipping/multishipping multishippingshipments.isml
    templates/default/checkout/shipping/storepickup instoremessages.isml
    templates/default/components/header headercustomerinfo.isml
    templates/default/components/header multicurrency.isml
    templates/default/components/order ordertotals.isml
    templates/default/product productdetail.isml
    templates/default/product producttile.isml
    templates/default/product/components displayliproduct.isml
    templates/default/product/components pricing.isml
    templates/default/product/components standardprice.isml
  5. Select Administration > Locales, configure the desired locales.

Multicurrency Configuration for SiteGenesis EMEA


SiteGenesis EMEA supports four currencies:
  • EUR - Euro
  • JPY - Japanese Yen
  • CNY - Chinese Yuan
  • GBP - British Pound Sterling. This currency is the default currency for the site.

Price Books

Business Manager: site > Products and Catalogs > Price Books. Price books: *-sales-prices and *-list-prices for each currency)

Each currency has two price books: list and sales. The lower price of list or sales appears as the effective price for a selected currency. If a price is missing from a price book for the selected currency, N/A appears for the price.

Option Prices

Product option prices change when a different currency is selected. SiteGenesis supports two sets of option definitions: USD and EUR.
  • If an option (or option price) is not defined for one option in a set of options for a selected currency, then that specific option does not appear in the option dropdown.
  • If an entire set of options (or prices for an entire set of options) is not defined for a selected currency, then the entire option dropdown does not appear for that currency.

Price refinement Buckets

Price refinement buckets change when a different currency is selected. SiteGenesis provides price refinement buckets in USD and EUR. The price refinement bucket shows the currency symbol for the selected currency.

If price refinements are enabled for a specific category, and not defined for a specific currency, then a single default range appears as the bucket.
  • The low value is the price of the lowest priced product in the category.
  • The high value is the price of the highest priced product in the category. All ranges are in the specified currency.


SGJC contains the following promotions, which use a currency qualifier:

  • Business Manager: site > Online Marketing > Campaigns. Campaign: multicurrency demo.
  • Business Manager: site > Online Marketing > Promotions. Promotions: 25GBP-off-dresses and 15EUR-off-dresses.

Certain promotion types are applicable to a selected currency. Non-currency based promotions (for example, 15% off) apply without adding a currency qualifier to the promotion.

Customer Groups

The currency associated with a country can trigger dynamic customer groups.

Gift Certificates

A gift certificate can be issued in a selected currency, and the currency can still be changed once it is added to the cart. When checkout begins, however, the customer can't change the currency or the gift certificate value.

When a customer checks a gift certificate balance, SGJC returns the balance with the currency symbol of the gift certificate when it was created. This action occurs regardless of the currency selected in the header.

Gift Certificates can only be redeemed for the currency in which they were issued. If the customer enters a valid gift certificate number using the wrong currency, an error message appears.

Shipping Methods

Business Manager: site > Merchant Tools > Ordering > Shipping Methods.

Only the defined and enabled shipping methods for a specific currency appear when a currency is selected. SiteGenesis provides different shipping methods for all supported currencies. SiteGenesis includes currency-specific shipping methods because a shipping method can have only one currency defined.

Wish List or Gift Registry

Wish list and gift registry items reflect the price of the selected currency. If the currency is not defined in the price book for an item, the price appears as N/A.


Tax rules for multicurrency/multiple-country scenarios are based on the existing tax feature. SiteGenesis EMEA is configured as taxation = GROSS. Any EUR priced items have gross calculation, unlike standard SiteGenesis, which uses net calculation.


SGJC accepts payment in the selected currency. Although Salesforce B2C Commerce enhancements allow the qualification (or disqualification) of payment types based on the currency selected, this behavior is not implemented in SGJC.

Order History

Orders are saved in the currency in which they were placed, and appear with that currency (using the respective symbol) in the Business Manager Ordering module and in SiteGenesis (regardless of the currency selected). See Managing Orders.

Zero (0) Shipping Costs

SiteGenesis uses a custom attribute on a shipping method to support a 0 shipping cost for multicurrency. These files use this attribute:

Cartridge Folder File
SiteGenesis Storefront Core cartridge templates/default/checkout/shipping/multishipping multishippingshipments.isml
  templates/default/checkout/shipping/storepickup instoremessages.isml
  templates/default/checkout/shipping shippingmethods.isml
  templates/default/checkout/shipping/storepickup InStoreShipments.ds

This feature is supported by the shipment object's Boolean attribute storePickupEnabled. This attribute determines if the shipping method appears as an in-store shipping method. The cost is set in Business Manager, with the default values set to 0.00 for the 005 and EUR005 shipping methods.