Access Log Files

Access log files from Business Manager or a WebDAV client.

  1. To access log files from Business Manager, select Administration > Site Development > Development Setup and scroll to the WebDAV Acess section, where you can click on links to see the logs.
  2. To access log files from a WebDAV client:
    1. Set up an SSL connection in Total Commander, using a valid Business Manager user name and password with proper access to connect to the Logs directory.
      You can use any WebDAV client but we recommendTotal Commander. Make sure to use the Total Commander WebDAV client and not the FTP client, as sFTP is not supported.
    2. Use the following URL to access the logs:

      https://<instance name>/on/demandware.servlet/webdav/Sites/Logs

      When connected, you can browse logs, search for error strings or download to your environment.
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