SFRA Standard and Optional Features

SFRA implements standard features in the base cartridge and optional features in overlay cartridges.

Many features are implemented in the app_storefront_base cartridge. These features are considered standard. For example, the consent tracking feature is considered standard.

Optional features are typically implemented in overlay plugin cartridges. For example:

  • plugin-applepay: implements the Apple Pay feature.
  • plugin_commercepayments: implements functionality for payment integration with Stripe.
  • plugin_datadownload: implements a Download My Data button, which gives shoppers a way to download their data.
  • plugin_giftregistry: implements gift registry functionality.
  • plugin_reviews: implements a product review feature.
  • plugin_ratings: implements product ratings feature.
  • plugin_instorepickup: implements an order online and pickup in store feature.
  • plugin_productcompare: implements a product compare feature.
  • plugin_sitemap: implements a sitemap feature.
  • plugin_wishlists: implements wishlist functionality.
  • plugin_ordermanagement: implements Salesforce Order Management self-service.
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