Class ApplePayHookResult

Result of a hook handling an Apple Pay request.

Use the constants in this type to indicate specific error reasons to be provided to Apple Pay JS. For example, the following code creates a Status that indicates the shipping contact information provided by Apple Pay is invalid:

 var ApplePayHookResult = require('dw/extensions/applepay/ApplePayHookResult');
 var Status = require('dw/system/Status');

 var error = new Status(Status.ERROR);
 error.addDetail(ApplePayHookResult.STATUS_REASON_DETAIL_KEY, ApplePayHookResult.REASON_SHIPPING_CONTACT);

If a specific error reason is not provided, the generic Apple Pay STATUS_FAILURE reason will be used when necessary.

REASON_BILLING_ADDRESS  :  String = "InvalidBillingPostalAddress"
Error reason code representing an invalid billing address.
REASON_FAILURE  :  String = "Failure"
Error reason code representing an error or failure not otherwise specified.
REASON_PIN_INCORRECT  :  String = "PINIncorrect"
Error reason code representing the PIN is incorrect.
REASON_PIN_LOCKOUT  :  String = "PINLockout"
Error reason code representing a PIN lockout.
REASON_PIN_REQUIRED  :  String = "PINRequired"
Error reason code representing a PIN is required.
REASON_SHIPPING_ADDRESS  :  String = "InvalidShippingPostalAddress"
Error reason code representing an invalid shipping address.
REASON_SHIPPING_CONTACT  :  String = "InvalidShippingContact"
Error reason code representing invalid shipping contact information.
STATUS_REASON_DETAIL_KEY  :  String = "reason"
Key for the detail to be used in Status objects to indicate the reason to communicate to Apple Pay for errors.
eventDetail  :  Object  (Read Only)
Detail to the JS custom event to dispatch in response to this result.
eventName  :  String  (Read Only)
Name of the JS custom event to dispatch in response to this result.
redirect  :  URL  (Read Only)
URL to navigate to in response to this result.
status  :  Status  (Read Only)
Status describing the outcome of this result.
Constructor Summary
ApplePayHookResult(status : Status, redirect : URL)
Constructs a result with the given outcome information.
Method Summary
getEventDetail() : Object
Detail to the JS custom event to dispatch in response to this result.
getEventName() : String
Name of the JS custom event to dispatch in response to this result.
getRedirect() : URL
URL to navigate to in response to this result.
getStatus() : Status
Status describing the outcome of this result.
setEvent(name : String) : void
Sets the name of the JS custom event to dispatch in response to this result.
setEvent(name : String, detail : Object) : void
Sets the name and detail of the JS custom event to dispatch in response to this result.
Constructor Detail
public ApplePayHookResult(status : Status, redirect : URL)
Constructs a result with the given outcome information.
status - status of the result
redirect - optional URL to which to navigate to in response to this outcome

Method Detail
getEventDetail() : Object
Detail to the JS custom event to dispatch in response to this result.
event detail

getEventName() : String
Name of the JS custom event to dispatch in response to this result.
event name

getRedirect() : URL
URL to navigate to in response to this result.
redirect URL

getStatus() : Status
Status describing the outcome of this result.
status of this result

setEvent(name : String) : void
Sets the name of the JS custom event to dispatch in response to this result.
name - JS custom event name

setEvent(name : String, detail : Object) : void
Sets the name and detail of the JS custom event to dispatch in response to this result.
name - JS custom event name
detail - JS custom event detail