ExportDataUnitsConfiguration document (Data API 23.2)

Document representing a configuration for the data units which a site export needs to identify what exactly should be exported. All unit types (site specific, global, ...) which should be exported need to be set to ‘true‘. Units set to 'false' are simply ignored with this version and can also be skipped.

Property Type Constraints Description
catalog_static_resources Map[String, Boolean]   The Catalog Static Resources which should be exported. If "all":true is included, all available units will be exported.
catalogs Map[String, Boolean]   The Catalogs which should be exported. If "all":true is included, all available units will be exported.
customer_lists Map[String, Boolean]   The Customer Lists which should be exported. If "all":true is included, all available units will be exported.
global_data ExportGlobalDataConfiguration   The Global Data which should be exported. If "all":true is set, all available units will be exported.
inventory_lists Map[String, Boolean]   The Inventory Lists which should be exported. If "all":true is included, all available units will be exported.
libraries Map[String, Boolean]   The Libraries which should be exported. If "all":true is included, all available units will be exported.
library_static_resources Map[String, Boolean]   The Library Static Resources which should be exported. If "all":true is included, all available units will be exported.
price_books Map[String, Boolean]   The Price Books which should be exported. If "all":true is included, all available units will be exported.
sites Map[String, ExportSitesConfiguration]   The Sites which should be exported. If property "all" is assigned, all available sites will be exported.
X OCAPI versions 15.x and 16.x will be retired on March 31, 2021. For dates and more information, see the OCAPI versioning and deprecation policy and this Knowledge Article.
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