Products Dashboard

Use the Products dashboard to review metrics about your top-selling products and gift certificates. Product and gift certificate matrices show under separate tabs on the dashboard.

The Products dashboard includes reports for Top Selling Products, Movers, & Shakers, and the Average Selling Price. Here are some examples of how you can use the Products Dashboard metrics.

Top Selling Products

Top selling products are ranked based on revenue for the dashboard time period. The list defaults to show the top 10 products per generated revenue. You can change the view to show the top 10 products per unit sold. You can also modify the lists to show the lists per unit or revenue in ascending order by clicking the unit or revenue column heading.

The report’s default view lists the top-selling base products. You can change the list to show the top 10 variation products or product bundles.

Top Selling Products By...

You can display the top three selling products by filter details including customer registration, customer type, channel, or site. For example, you can set the report to show the top three selling products by customer type (Returning or New).

Movers & Shakers

The Movers & Shakers report ranks products greatest increase in revenue for the date range compared with the previous date range for the same amount of time. The report’s default view lists base products. You can change the list to show variation products or product bundles. The first column shows the rank value and its percentage change in revenue and units. Click a product ID to view details.

Avg. Order value

You can review the average value of all orders placed. Use the dashboard filters to review broad and detailed results. For example, you can review the average order value for your entire realm or filter down to a single site, customer type and device type.

Co-Buy Frequency

Use the Co-Buy Frequency report to review the most frequently ordered product combinations. The report ranks the occurrence of two products purchased together by a percentage of the total number of orders. You can use the results to help define product bundles or combined sale promotions.

Average Selling Price

This graph shows the average selling price of a product and plots the price over the dashboard time period. For example, you can use the price per product sold to track how changes in top sellers influence the average product price.

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