Manage Access of Partner Accounts

Account administrators can use Account Manager to manage access of user accounts invited to the administrator's organization (for example, a partner account). You can control which Commerce Cloud applications the invited account can access.

To manage access of an invited user account:
  1. Log into Account Manager.
  2. Click User.

    The Users page opens, showing a list of accounts.

  3. In the Invited Users field, click the email address of the account whose access you want to manage.
    In the Organizations section, you can revoke the account's access to your organization by clicking the trash bin icon. In the Roles section, you can manage the account's access to the sandbox or PIG instances of your organization.
  4. In the Roles section, click Add to open the Assign Roles window.
  5. In the Assign Roles window, search for roles, and select each role to which you want the account to access.
  6. Click Add.
  7. Specify a role scope for all roles requiring access to an instance.
    1. Select the filter icon.
    2. In the Add Instance Filters tab, select an organization.
    3. Enter the names for the instances you want the user to have access to.
    4. Select the instances.
    5. Click Add.
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