SitePreferences resource (Data API 23.2)


Http Method Resource Description
POST /site_preferences/preference_groups/{group_id}/{instance_type}/preference_search

Search preferences across sites in the specified preference group and instance.

The query attribute specifies a complex query that can be used to narrow down the search.

The following is a list of searchable fields:

  • id - String
  • display_name - Localized String
  • description - Localized String
  • value_type* - one of {string, int, double, text, html, date, image, boolean, money, quantity, datetime, email, password, set_of_string, set_of_int, set_of_double, enum_of_string, enum_of_int}

* value_type can only be joined with other attributes using a conjunction (AND).

Note that only searchable attributes can be used in sorting.

GET /site_preferences/preference_groups/{group_id}/{instance_type}/preferences/{preference_id} Get a preference across sites in the specified preference group and instance.

Search Preferences

Search preferences across sites in the specified preference group and instance.

The query attribute specifies a complex query that can be used to narrow down the search.

The following is a list of searchable fields:

  • id - String
  • display_name - Localized String
  • description - Localized String
  • value_type* - one of {string, int, double, text, html, date, image, boolean, money, quantity, datetime, email, password, set_of_string, set_of_int, set_of_double, enum_of_string, enum_of_int}

* value_type can only be joined with other attributes using a conjunction (AND).

Note that only searchable attributes can be used in sorting.


POST https://hostname:port/dw/data/v23_2/site_preferences/preference_groups/{group_id}/{instance_type}/preference_search?mask_passwords={Boolean}&expand={String}


json, xml


Name Description
OAuth Authentication via OAuth token.

Request Document


Response Document


Path Parameters

Parameter Type Description Constraints
group_id String The ID of the preference group.  
instance_type String An instance type, one of {staging,development,sandbox,production}.  

Query Parameters

Parameter Type Description Constraints
expand String The expand "value" is available to retrieve value definitions of the attribute definition.  
mask_passwords Boolean The preference values of type Password are masked when set.  

In case of a failure Fault Document is returned.


Status Type Arguments Description
400 MalformedSearchParameterException   Indicates the query is ill-formed.
404 CustomPreferenceGroupNotFoundException

preferenceGroupId (String)

Indicates the preference group is not found.


POST /s/-/dw/data/v23_2/site_preferences/preference_groups/MyPreferenceGroup/staging/preference_search?expand=value HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa

   "query": {
       "bool_query": {
           "must" : [
               {"text_query": { "fields": ["id"], "search_phrase": "EnumOfStringValue" } }
   "select": "(**)"

# in case of success:
  "_v" : "23.2",
  "_type": "preference_value_search_result",
  "count": 1,
  "hits": [
      "_type": "preference_value",
      "attribute_definition": {
          "_type": "object_attribute_definition",
          "_resource_state": "8c1c9727e0c289dde4121a2335b0de85957b8b6d87e2bffdbe01fb6db6a2aa1f",
          "description": {
            "default": "Enum Of String Attribute"
          "display_name": {
            "default": "Enum Of String Attribute"
          "effective_id": "c_EnumOfStringAttr",
          "externally_defined": false,
          "externally_managed": false,
          "id": "EnumOfStringAttr",
          "key": false,
          "link": "",
          "localizable": false,
          "mandatory": false,
          "min_length": 0,
          "multi_value_type": false,
          "order_required": false,
          "queryable": true,
          "read_only": false,
          "requires_encoding": false,
          "searchable": false,
          "set_value_type": false,
          "site_specific": false,
          "system": false,
          "value_definitions": [
              "_type": "object_attribute_value_definition",
              "display_value": {
                "default": "Enum Of String Value 1"
              "id": "EnumOfStringValue1",
              "position": 0.0,
              "value": "EnumOfStringValue1"
              "_type": "object_attribute_value_definition",
              "display_value": {
                "default": "Enum Of String Value 2"
              "id": "EnumOfStringValue2",
              "position": 1.0,
              "value": "EnumOfStringValue2"
              "_type": "object_attribute_value_definition",
              "display_value": {
                "default": "Enum Of String Value 3"
              "id": "EnumOfStringValue3",
              "position": 2.0,
              "value": "EnumOfStringValue3"
          "value_type": "enum_of_string",
          "visible": false
        "id": "EnumOfStringAttr",
        "site_values": {
            "SiteGenesis": "EnumOfStringValue1",
            "SiteGenesis-Customization": "EnumOfStringValue2"
  "query": {
    "bool_query": {
      "_type": "bool_query",
      "must": [
          "text_query": {
            "_type": "text_query",
            "fields": [
            "search_phrase": "EnumOfStringAttr"
  "select": "(**)",
  "start": 0,
  "total": 1

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 67
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
ETag: 860cde3040519cce439cd99e209f8a87c3ad0b7e2813edbf6f5501f763b73bd5

# in case of failure:

HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Cache-Control: max-age=0,no-cache,no-store,must-revalidate
  "_v" : "23.2",
    "message":"No preference group with ID 'MyPreferenceGroup' was found."

Get Preference

Get a preference across sites in the specified preference group and instance.


GET https://hostname:port/dw/data/v23_2/site_preferences/preference_groups/{group_id}/{instance_type}/preferences/{preference_id}?mask_passwords={Boolean}


json, xml


Name Description
OAuth Authentication via OAuth token.

Response Document


Path Parameters

Parameter Type Description Constraints
group_id String The ID of the preference group.  
instance_type String An instance type, one of {staging,development,sandbox,production}.  
preference_id String The ID of the preference to retrieve. mandatory=true, minLength=1, nullable=false

Query Parameters

Parameter Type Description Constraints
mask_passwords Boolean The preference values of type Password are masked when set.  

In case of a failure Fault Document is returned.


Status Type Arguments Description
404 CustomPreferenceGroupNotFoundException

preferenceGroupId (String)

Indicates the preference group is not found.
404 PreferenceNotFoundException

preferenceId (String)

Indicates the preference is not found.


GET /s/-/dw/data/v23_2/site_preferences/preference_groups/MyPreferenceGroup/staging/preferences/StringPreference HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa

# in case of success:
   "_v" : "23.2",
   "_type" : "organization_preferences",
   "link" : "",
   "site_preferences" : 
         "_type" : "site_preferences",
         "link" : "",
         "site" : 
            "_type" : "site",
            "customer_list_link" : 
               "_type" : "customer_list_link",
               "customer_list_id" : "SiteGenesis",
               "link" : ""
            "display_name" : 
               "default" : "SiteGenesis"
            "id" : "SiteGenesis",
            "in_deletion" : false,
            "link" : "",
            "storefront_status" : "online"
         "_type" : "site_preferences",
         "link" : "",
         "site" : 
            "_type" : "site",
            "customer_list_link" : 
               "_type" : "customer_list_link",
               "customer_list_id" : "SiteGenesis",
               "link" : ""
            "display_name" : 
               "default" : "SiteGenesisGlobal"
            "id" : "SiteGenesisGlobal",
            "in_deletion" : false,
            "link" : "",
            "storefront_status" : "online"
   "c_StringPreference" : "String Preference"

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 67
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
ETag: 860cde3040519cce439cd99e209f8a87c3ad0b7e2813edbf6f5501f763b73bd5

# in case of failure:

HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Cache-Control: max-age=0,no-cache,no-store,must-revalidate
  "_v" : "23.2",
    "message":"No preference group with ID 'MyPreferenceGroup' was found."
X OCAPI versions 15.x and 16.x will be retired on March 31, 2021. For dates and more information, see the OCAPI versioning and deprecation policy and this Knowledge Article.
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