Create 404 Error Pages with Alternate Paths

You can create error pages that let a customer get to the home page of your site, even if they experience a 404 error because they are linking to an expired page or have a broken URL.

Alternate paths are exceptionally useful if you remove a landing or promotion page, as you can provide a 404 error page that lets the customer get to a new page or informs them that the promotion has ended.

To Create 404 Error Pages:

Within Business Manager, you can download a template .zip file containing all error pages which are used in cases where the application server is down or doesn't respond in time. After you download the .zip file you are free to customize the pages, rezip your work, and upload it.

  1. Select Administration > Site Development > Custom Error Pages.
  2. Click Download.
  3. Extract the downloaded error pages and customize them.
  4. Select Administration > Site Development > Custom Error Pages
  5. Click Browse and navigate to the zip of your custom error pages

    The uploaded .zip file must be named Don't use names such as After your upload, the .zip file is automatically extracted and the content is on the web server.

  6. Click Upload.
Note: This isn't an automatic upload. It can take two hours before your files are synched with the web adaptor.