Promotion Data Subject Areas

Promotion Insightsโ€”Evaluate the performance of your promotions. For example, you can identify your top-three promotions by customer registration type, look for correlations with promotion classes and source codes, or visualize the link between promotion class and revenue.

Attribute (Dimension) Description
Order Placed Date Calendar date when an order is placed
Site Name Name of the site where an order is placed
Order Channel Channel from where an order originates Channels include Storefront, Endless Aisle, and Customer Service Center.
Business Channel Business channel from where an order originates The business channels are B2C or B2B.
Device Type Device type used to place an order
Customer Type Customer type: New or Returning

Returning customers have placed one or more registered orders.

Customer Registration Site registration status of a customer
  • Registeredโ€“Customers who placed an order with a registered account
  • Unregisteredโ€“Customers who placed an order without using a registered account
Local Code Site locale code
Local Name Site locale name
Realm Currency Reporting currency used for all currency measures
Product ID Product ID
Product Name Product name
Product Bundle True if the product is a product bundle
Base Product True if the product is a base product
SKU Name Product SKU name
Promotion ID Promotion ID
Promotion Name Promotion name
Promotion Class Promotion class

The class includes Order, Product, and Shipping

Campaign ID Campaign ID
Coupon ID Coupon ID
Metric (Measure) Description Type
Units Sold Number of units sold This metric is available only at an individual promo level. Due to double counting, it canโ€™t be aggregated. Units
Revenue Impact Value of goods and services discounted by the promotion
  • Product class promotions Revenue is calculated using the value of the goods and services that the promotion is applied to.
  • Order and shipping class promotions Revenue is calculated using the value of the order.
Note: When a shopper applies multiple promotions to an order, the value of the affected goods and services is prorated uniformly between the promotions. Prorating ensures that the same revenue isnโ€™t attributed to more than one promotion.
Orders Placed Total number of orders

This metric is available only at an individual promo level. Due to double counting, it canโ€™t be aggregated.

Uses Number of times that a promotion is used Count
Promotional Order Discounts Sum of all order class promotion discounts Currency
Promotional Shipping Discounts Sum of all shipping class promotion discounts Currency
Promotional Product Discounts Sum of all product class promotion discounts Currency