Getting Started with SGJC

For developers, Site Genesis provides sample codeβ€”pipelines, scripts, and ISML templates. For merchants, it offers sample configurations for catalogs, categories, and products.

SGJC Reference Application

The demo instance is available with every realm. Open a browser and enter the URL for your sandbox, replacing the sub-domain name.

Important: Don't store important data on the demo site. The demo sandbox is reinitialized with each release, which erases any data stored on the instance. Therefore, don't use the demo site for development.

You can get the SiteGenesis code in two ways.

  • Download the cartridge from Business Manager on your demo instance.

  • In Eclipse, use the Digital plug-in to create a new storefront cartridge.

You can use the code as the starting point for your own storefront and upload it to your Sandbox instance for customization or development.

Never import SiteGenesis into an instance in your PIG, but you can import SiteGenesis into each instance in your SIG. However, if you import SiteGenesis into a sandbox that contains other customized sites, you could overwrite existing attributes and lose data. It is safe to import SiteGenesis into an empty sandbox. If you also want to import custom sites into the empty sandbox, import SiteGenesis first to retain you custom sites' attributes for your custom sites are retained if there are conflicts, as your custom attributes will overwrite the imported SiteGenesis custom attributes. If there are conflicts between your attributes and SiteGenesis, your custom attributes overwrite the imported Site Genesis custom attributes. If this occurs, The Site Genesis site might not function properly, but your customer data is kept intact. After importing SiteGenesis, you can validate its behavior by comparing it to the site running on the dedicated instance.
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