Implement Quota Overrides

Quotas are enforced by default on all instances. Salesforce B2C Commerce IT can soften quotas as required on primary instances (PRD, STG, and DEV), by resetting them from error to warn. To use the same (softened) quotas on a Sandbox, export those quotas from a production instance and import (overwrite) them onto a Sandbox instance.

You can export quota settings from all instances. However, you can only import quota settings to Sandboxes. You can't import these settings into production instances.
  1. On a Production instance, select Administration > Site Development > Site Import & Export.
  2. In the Export section, under Data Units to Export, expand Global Data and select Custom Quota Settings.
  3. Enter an archive name and select if you want the file to be saved in the global export directory (recommended).
  4. To export the settings, click Export.

    The job appears in the Status section. You can click the process link to view the log file. You can also download the log file.

  5. To return to the Site Import & Export page, click << Back.
  6. On a Sandbox instance, select Administration > Site Development > Site Import & Export.
  7. Upload the file that you exported from the production system.
    1. Select Local or Remote.
    2. Browse to search.
  8. To import the uploaded file, click Import.

    The job appears in the Status section. You can click the process link to view the log file. You can also download the log file. Select Administration > Operations > Quota Status and view custom quota overrides on the Custom Quota Actions page.

    If custom quota actions are active on an instance, a message appears on the Quota page.

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