Log into Account Manager

Each account in Account Manager is assigned to various roles. Depending on your organization’s settings, accounts can be local or they can be linked to Salesforce Identity. All Account manager roles require multi-factor authentication (MFA) to log into Account Manager with a local account.

  1. To log into Account Manager with a local account:
    1. In a web browser, go to https://account.demandware.com/.
    2. Enter your username (email address).
    3. Click LOG IN.
    4. Enter your password.
    5. Click LOG IN.
    6. Verify your identity with MFA.
      If you’ve already registered an MFA verification method, provide your method to finish logging in. If you haven’t registered a method, you’re prompted to do so before you’re able to log in.
  2. To log into Account Manager with an account linked to Salesforce Identity:
    1. In a web browser, go to https://account.demandware.com/.
    2. Enter your username (email address).
    3. Click LOG IN.
      You are redirected to Salesforce to log in. After successfully logging into Salesforce, you are redirected to Account Manager and logged in without any further steps.
  • New users must log in to Account Manager with MFA to complete linking their Account Manager account with Salesforce Identity. See Register Verification Methods for Multi-Factor Authentication for more details.
  • If a user is reset or deleted, the user’s link between Account Manager and Salesforce Identity is removed. If the user is reactivated or restored, they must log in to Account Manager with MFA to restore the link to Salesforce Identity.
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