API Support

The B2C Commerce Script API supports variation groups.

Use the script API with variation groups as follows:
  • dw.catalog.Variant class has attribute fallback behavior to first obtain attributes from (one or more) assigned variation groups and then from the base product.
  • dw.catalog.VariationGroup class has attribute fallback behavior to obtain attributes from the base product, when the attribute isn't specified by the variation group.
  • dw.catalog.Product class checks if the product is of type variation group through the public boolean isVariationGroup(); method.
  • dw.catalog.Product class returns all assigned variation groups of a base product through the public Collection getVariationGroups(); method.
  • dw.catalog.ProductVariationModel class returns all assigned and online variation groups of the corresponding base product via the public Collection getVariationGroups(); method.
  • dw.catalog.ProductVariationModel class returns configured variation values for variation group products via the public ProductVariationAttributeValue getVariationValue( Product variantOrVariationGroup, ProductVariationAttribute attribute ); method.
When reading attribute values, there is a fallback from a variation product to base product in the case the variant doesn't define an attribute value. There is no fallback from variation product to variation group if the variation product doesn't define an attribute value. However, there is a fallback from a variation group to a base product in case the variation group doesn't define an attribute value.
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