Create a Code Replication Process

You can trigger a code replication process manually, schedule it to run at a specified time, or create a job to run it.

  1. Select Administration > Replication > Code Replication. A list of existing code replication processes is displayed.
  2. Click New.
  3. The system generates a Process ID. You can enter a different ID.
  4. From the dropdown list, select a target instance.
  5. (Optional) Enter a description.
  6. From the dropdown list, select an activation type.
    Option Description
    Manual The process runs when you manually trigger it.
    Automatic The process runs once at a time that you specify. Selecting this option displays date and time fields. The default value is the next midnight.
    Job Step The process is available to run as part of a job.
  7. From the dropdown list, select a notification email trigger. You can enter multiple target email addresses separated by commas.
    Option Description
    -None- No emails are sent.
    When Process Ends Sends an email to the specified addresses when the process ends, whether it succeeds or fails. If it hangs, then no email is sent.
    When Process Fails Sends an email to the specified addresses when the process fails. If the process succeeds or hangs, then no email is sent.
    Periodically Enter a time period in minutes. While the process is running, emails are sent to the specified addresses at that interval until the process finishes. An email is also sent when the process succeeds or fails.
  8. Click Next.
  9. From the dropdown list, select a replication type.
  10. Click Next and review the process details. Once you create the process, it cannot be changed.
  11. Click Create or Schedule to create the process. If you selected Manual activation, you can click Start to create the process and immediately run it.
    Once the code replication process has begun, it can't be deleted.
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