Review the GetFilesFromHTTPServer.ds referenced script files when scheduling inventory imports.
Note: This code is provided as a sample. It isn't a supported
part of the SiteGenesis application.
* Gets a file list from an HTTP(S) server
* @input ConnectionUrl : String of the server URL including protocol
* @input Login : String The login for authentication
* @input Password : String The password for authentication
* @input SortDirection : String 'ASCENDING' or 'DESCENDING'
* @input NamePattern : String The pattern for the filenames (use ".*" to get all)
* @input ServerPath : String the directory path at the server
* @input sampleLogger : Object Sample logger input for Sample logger
* @output FileList : dw.util.Collection The files matching the pattern
* @output StatusCode : Number The servers status code
* @output StatusMessage : String The servers status message
* @output sampleLogger : Object Sample logger debug output for Sample logger
* @output sampleError : Object Sample error error output for Sample logger
importPackage( dw.system );
importPackage( dw.util );
importPackage( );
// Sample Logging ImportScript
function execute( pdict : PipelineDictionary ) : Number {
// Sample Logging var
var _context : String = new Context("GetFilesFromHttpServer.ds");
var _logger : Log = Log.getLogger(pdict);
// constants for parsing
var pattern_dir : String ="/";
var tag_a_href : String = "<a"; //<a href="...
var char_left : String = '"'; // .....>file_name<...
var char_right : String = '"';
// input variables
// input variables
var connectionURL : String = pdict.ConnectionUrl;
var login : String = pdict.Login;
var password : String = pdict.Password;
var sortDirection : String = pdict.SortDirection;
var pattern : RegExp = new RegExp(pdict.NamePattern);
var serverPath : String = pdict.ServerPath;
var httpSvc : HTTPClient = new HTTPClient();
var url : String = connectionURL + serverPath;
// get server response for directory"POST",url); // old"POST",url,login,password);
catch( e ){
var exception : sampleException = new sampleException(_context, "Could not connect to remote resource {0}. ( {1} )",url,e);
_logger.error(_context, "Could not connect to remote resource {0}. ( {1} )" + exception);
pdict.sampleError = exception;
if(httpSvc.statusCode != 200){
_logger.error(_context, "Server responded with Status code {0} ( {1} )!",httpSvc.statusCode,httpSvc.statusMessage);
_logger.debug(_context, "Successfully read directory listing of {0}.",url);
var response = httpSvc.text;
_logger.debug(_context, "Content: " + response);
var fileName : String = "";
var sorted : SortedSet = ((sortDirection == "DESCENDING") ? new SortedSet(descending) : new SortedSet());
var line = response;
// IIS HTML Format
var line_pos : Number = 0;
var index : String = line;
var indexLowerCase : String = index.toLowerCase();
while (line_pos != -1)
//find contents of <a...>needed_text</a>
if ((line_pos = indexLowerCase.indexOf(tag_a_href, line_pos + 6)) != -1)
if ((line_pos = indexLowerCase.indexOf(char_left, line_pos + tag_a_href.length)) != -1)
var idx = indexLowerCase.indexOf(char_right, line_pos + 1);
fileName = index.substring(line_pos + 1, idx);
// Remove any directory from the filename
if (fileName.lastIndexOf(pattern_dir) != -1 && fileName.lastIndexOf(pattern_dir) + 1 < fileName.length) {
fileName = fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf(pattern_dir) + 1);
_logger.debug(_context, "Found Filename '" + fileName + "'");
if (idx != -1 && fileName.match(pattern) && fileName.substring(fileName.length - 1) != pattern_dir)
pdict.StatusCode = httpSvc.statusCode;
pdict.StatusMessage = httpSvc.statusMessage;
// if directory contains files, return them
if ( !sorted.empty)
// store 'FileList' in pipeline dictionary
pdict.FileList = sorted;
function descending( var1 : Object, var2) : Number{
if( var1 == var2) return 0
else if ( var1 < var2) return -1
else return 1;