ProductInventoryRecord document (Data API 23.2)

(supports custom properties)

Document representing a product inventory record.

Property Type Constraints Description
allocation ProductInventoryRecordAllocation   The allocation quantity and reset date.
ats Decimal   The quantity of items available to sell (ATS). This is calculated as the allocation plus the preorderBackorderAllocation minus the turnover.
creation_date Date   Returns the value of attribute 'creationDate'.
in_stock_date DateTime   The date that the item is expected to be in stock.
inventory_list_id String   The user supplied ID of the inventory list.
inventory_turnover Decimal   The sum of all inventory transactions (decrements and increments) that have been recorded subsequent to the allocation was reset date. The quantity value can be negative due to higher quantity of inventory decrements than increments.
last_modified Date   Returns the value of attribute 'lastModified'.
link String   The URL that is used to get this instance.
perpetual_flag boolean   The flag that determines if the product is perpetually in stock.
pre_order_back_order_allocation Decimal   The quantity of items that are allocated for sale, beyond the initial stock allocation.
pre_order_back_order_handling Enum {none, preorder, backorder}   The enum holding the records pre-backorder-handling configuration. Possible values are NONE, PREORDER and BACKORDER. Method returns NONE in case the record pre-backorder-handling-code is null or unknown.
product_id String maxLength=256, minLength=1, nullable=false The user supplied ID of the product.
product_name String   The name of the product.
quantity_on_order Decimal   The on order quantity, the quantity of all transactions for this record since the allocation reset date.
stock_level Decimal   The current stock level. This is calculated as the allocation minus the turnover.
X OCAPI versions 15.x and 16.x will be retired on March 31, 2021. For dates and more information, see the OCAPI versioning and deprecation policy and this Knowledge Article.
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